help with poison

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Not so new Member
Jun 11, 2009
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Hello i am only new at this
i need help i have a 15 month old carpet python and had my house sprayed and it seems that my snake is now sick she is having mussle spams and not able to right her self can any one help thanks
I think youthinasia methods have already been discused on this forum you can find them by searching its good you dont want the suffering to last long
Just out of interest, did you leave it in the house whist it was being sprayed? I have heard many times now that the people spraying houses often say, "it will be fine, just cover it up" but reptiles seem very sensitive to such poisons and it knocks them over pretty quickly.
i agree, a vet is the best/safest option. try to get her to one asap as this could potentially be sometthing serious
U know if you want her to live i would try to get an emergency vet. This could b fatal u know..
This happend to my major mitchell who later died The pest people said it was safe. I now use a product called Ant Killer purchased from bunnings for $13 its natural pyrathium {spelt wrong} based I use around, under and in the roof cavity. Have been using it for a few years with no effect onmy reptiles.
Get to the vets asap Good luck
This happend to my major mitchell who later died The pest people said it was safe. I now use a product called Ant Killer purchased from bunnings for $13 its natural pyrathium {spelt wrong} based I use around, under and in the roof cavity. Have been using it for a few years with no effect onmy reptiles.
Get to the vets asap Good luck
I had a crown snake sprayed directly with industrial strength wasp killer ...the thing was coated in it ....I bathed it over and over and over again every hour for the first few then every few hours after that all up it had about 8 baths in the day ..try bathing to dilute the poisoning and seek vet help ..FRESH WATER EVERY TIME YOU RE BATH IT .you will need to clean out the enclosure properly and put the snake back into another tub untill its enclosure has been cleaned ...
Thank you to all i have taken her (bindi) to the vet she has had 2 antiboic needles over 48 hrs the tank has been scrubed she has been washed this has been over 2 weeks now i have a friend who has contacts at taronga zoo he has advised that i flush her oraly with water over a peroid of a week but things are looking not looking good i was told by the pest control company to cover her and things would be good i so wish i had not trusted him i have complaind and they have offered to pay all vet bills and to replace the snake if bindi doesnt make it this my last efort to help her i cant stand to see her like this if there appears to be no change in 72 hrs i will have her put down it will break my heart but i will not see her suffer
hmmmmmm what poison was used i would be onto the pest company asap and find the exact poison used so then you will know how to combat it

let us know what you find out we maybe able to help you further

Hope she gets better Stormus!.

but on the other hand, it is very nice of the pest people to offer to pay for vet bills and even a new snake... they could of turned around and said it was your own fault you should of been more careful and throw it all back on you so they wouldn't have to pay a cent!.

And again best of luck!!!
Best of luck. That really sucks. Especially to see your pet like that. I saw a young python at a vet once that had neurological complications. It's the worst site to see them in this state. The one I saw was in a "notty" sort of ball/coil rolling around constantly twisting in and out of itself. You wouldn't wish it on anyone or any pet.
I thought that would let you all know that i had my snake put down yesterday she was no better after all the drugs and help she was still no better so i would like you all to know please please dont trust the pest man as i did i thought that a man dealing with chemals 24/7 would know the risks but i should'nt have listened remove your reptiles from the house please
I thought that would let you all know that i had my snake put down yesterday she was no better after all the drugs and help she was still no better so i would like you all to know please please dont trust the pest man as i did i thought that a man dealing with chemals 24/7 would know the risks but i should'nt have listened remove your reptiles from the house please

Thats sad :(

Did you let the pest controllers know about this?
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