help with poison

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No offense intended but when your getting chemicals pumped into your house..

Regardless of what pest control may say, its called pest control for a reason.

If the chemicals are used to kill living things what makes you think reptiles are imune to it..

I am sorry for your loss but at the same time I would not have left the animal in the house

where chemicals are being sprayed...
No use saying 'told you so'itbites............. it happened, and I'm so sorry for your loss, you should be seeking compensation more than the pest place is offering, the suffering of that poor animal is worth far more than that, and hopefully, it will make the company think twice when treating someones house who had reptiles..... this is NOT the sort of thing that can be gone at in a gung-ho way.

Give them, in writing, a full account, blow by blow of what your poor snake went through, and ask them what are they going to do about that!!!!!!! THAT should be also taken into consideration.

RIP little guy, hopefully, the pest place will learn a hard lesson for your loss.
Thats really sad, I hope the pest company follow through on what they have said.

Keep us posted on how you go.

Oh and if possible get a autopsy/report from the vet so you have some written proof that you tried to save it and the reason you had to put it down, that way you have proof to go on if it has to be taken further.
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Sorry but imo although the pest company were in the wrong
for stating that the chemicals would be fine...

As an owner of reptiles/dogs etc..
I would never have left them in a house if I knew chemicals
were going to be used in close proximity..

No offense dipcdame I wasn't coming across with an "I told you so"
attitude but IMHO it's my belief that chemicals are generally bad to use around animals..

I won't even use perfume, hair spray or dye my hair anywhere near my collection!
I am sorry to hear that this lil critter has been killed by poisoning but TBH
spray chemicals on/near an animal & thats pretty much expected.
I thought that would let you all know that i had my snake put down yesterday she was no better after all the drugs and help she was still no better so i would like you all to know please please dont trust the pest man as i did i thought that a man dealing with chemals 24/7 would know the risks but i should'nt have listened remove your reptiles from the house please

Sorry to hear of you loss, i would wonder how antibiotics could help with poisoning anyway... If it kills a snake that quick it would make you wonder how much quicker it would make you get cancer... I guess enoguh time to change the company name and avoid getting sued :|
the pest company has offered to pay all cost's and replace the snake they have been great and kept in constant contact with me even.though it wont be the same i did cover the tank i also have a indian ring neck(bird) and a cat which are all fine the spray he used was in a small contaner that he squeesed it was little sprays of white powder into corners of cupboards he never sprayed near the tank he also said that it was'nt air born the owner of the house thought that they were doing the right thing we only moved in 5 weeks ago i am very upset as this was my christmas present from my hubby and kids
hmmm, that's scientific!

Its likely that something that is toxic enough to kill a snake quickly also may cause mutation in human cells, maybe its really safe and they just wear all the protective stuff for no reason? What am i thinking, as if any pesticides could be carcenogenic :oops: sorry my bad. Poison everything its good for your health.
I am really sorry to hear of your loss Storm. Poor thing, you have done the right thing.

I am glad to read, too, that you informed the pest mob about it when Bindi first got sick. It will make him think twice next time he advises anyone about their pets. It might be considered low-irritant but he should consider telling ppl to move them anyway, just incase. Might not hurt dogs or cats, but reptiles, fish and even birds can much much more sensitive to sprays than ppl realise.
Its likely that something that is toxic enough to kill a snake quickly also may cause mutation in human cells, maybe its really safe and they just wear all the protective stuff for no reason? What am i thinking, as if any pesticides could be carcenogenic :oops: sorry my bad. Poison everything its good for your health.

I was just commenting on the logic - "x kills snake therefore x must be carcinogenic to humans" seems like a big leap... I mean salt kills snails, but that doesn't make it carcinogenic to humans!
I think youthinasia methods have already been discused on this forum you can find them by searching its good you dont want the suffering to last long
see i left this one alone was very hard not to take just a little bite out of ,but I have already got my holiday ticket booked on APS and one more would give me the flight number and days absent I left it alone like a good girl ...BUT thanks to you falconboy and Australis it was bought back to my attention :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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