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Did you buy mainly adult geckoes, to get so many gravid & laying is amazing...I'm jealous

brought a Pure breed Mal as a pet for my partner, then i thought we might as well show it if we payed all the money for a pure breed
Now I'm the one who is full on into them, we go to shows most weekend travel to Sydney, melbourne, etc
our first show for this year is next weekend in Maryborough... must be crazy hey!!!
Wow! That's incredible! Do you have any pics of your dogs at shows? If so would love to see them. I take it your dogs
are used to flying by now? Brave little things. I'm petrified of flying, which really sucks as it's a 24 hour flight back to the UK!

I didn't intend to buy a lot of adults, it just sort of happened that way. I started off with a pair of unsexed juvie S.Ciliaris at
the beginning of August 05. They turned out to be male and female as luck would have it and are happily breeding away now.

I loved them so much that I ended up buying everything I could get my hands on, which were all adults or subadults as it was just before this breeding season, so no hatchlings were around.

The great thing is that with most species, you can buy them one season and provided you feed them up well, they are ready to breed the next season.

Won't be long before I have some hatchlings available, you'll be the first to know :0)
Awwwww...he's absolutely adorable! He looks very relaxed at the shows. He knows he is a looker and has nothing to worry about, hehehe!

Took a few pics this evening whilst I was feeding that I thought you might find interesting.

Mr Crankypants...proving my point. I was emptying crickets into the enclosure next door to his when I noticed him doing his push ups. For some reason he thinks it looks scary. I actually got a little bit on video too, not sure how to attach videos though. I've noticed that he has only been like this since I have put him back in the same enclosure as Grace, his girlfriend. Maybe he thinks he will be more attractive to her if he manages to scare off a big human!

This is Priscilla, a very gravid S.Ciliaris. Thought you might like to see how big these girls get before they drop. She should be ready to lay in 3-5 days.

This is Sheila, my other gravid S.Ciliaris, due the same day as Priscilla.

Gecko...what gecko?!?..This is squiffy (she has a squint one side due to an old injury) taking a break from her digging.

How funny is mr crankypants LOL!!. Thanks for the shots
Just looking back at the first pics you sent & working out which is which, these are the ones i really like
Nephrurus Amyae - of course!
Strophurus Intermedius
Diplodactylus Steindachneri
Heteronotia Bineoi
Strophurus Ciliaris
Strophurus Taenicauda
Mind you it was pretty hard to work out which I like the best :wink:
I'm laughing so much :lol: Mr Crankypants is as cute as ANYTHING! I can almost hear him going "grrrrr". And those big-bellied girls are beautiful. They have eyelashes and fuzzy toes! Squiffy is beautiful too. I love her colour.
They are beautiful aren't they! Mr Crankypants does actually grunt if he can't scare me off with his push up routine!! I love the Ciliaris with their eyelashes too.
Ciliaris get really tame, and as they are arboreal they make great pet geckos as you can see them all the time on the vines/branches.
They change colour too so it's like having a chameleon!
I just saw this tread and all i can say is I WANT ONE!! NO TWO!!

I must say i love the Nephururus Levis and the S.Swaini! Honestly, if u have any for sale u gotta let me know! Please :D
Hehehe! They are awesome aren't they. I want to check the incubator to see if anything hatched today but there are a couple of females digging around in their nest boxes about to lay and I don't want to disturb them by turning the light on. I won't have any S.Swaini this season but I may have some Levis, will let you know.

Now you're just showing off about your egg farm...LOL
Gee I'm soo jealous :roll:
Hi Rob!

Sheila is in the nest box at the moment trying to dig through the bottom of the container. The silly girl has somehow managed to move most of the peat outside the container so I'm keeping a very close eye on her.

Fingers crossed she gets on with it soon as I want to check the rest of the clan out. The little Milli hasn't eaten since the one cricket 3 days ago :0(

Am going to try and give her some baby food to lick off her face. I couldn't find anything with more than 10% meat in it. I guess the crickets eat veggies so It'll be like eating a cricket in a way, hehehe!

Sheila wouldn't lay in what she had left in the nest box, so when she came out a bit later in the evening I topped it up again with moist coir peat and by 1:00am I had two HUGE shiny white eggs, which are now in the incubator. No wonder she looked so big. As soon as they lay they are looking for a meal, so I put some large crix in and left her chasing them, and Bruce, the boy Ciliaris, chasing her for a bit of a good time!

Priscilla is having her pre-lay shed this morning, so she will lay either tonight or tomorrow night.

I fed the Milli some baby food. She even licked it straight from the cotton bud, so it can't taste that bad. This morning there was a little poo in her container, so she is digesting it okay. WIll try her with a cricket again tonight. If she doesn't take it I'll give her some more baby food tomorrow.

Have you decided whether to get your ackies x-rayed yet?

Hey Saz,
Eggs, eggs eggs everywhere...LOL
Sounds like you are getting there slowly with the Milli :lol:
Yeah i want to get the Acckies Xrayed, just have to find out who is the best for it. I might post something on here
I brought one of those outdoor enclosures, Picking it up next weekend. yeeeeeah more Herps :wink:
Fantastic! Now you have more room for more herps!! Any ideas what your next monitors will be? The only herp vet I know of is Danny Brown on the sunny coast. I have no idea if normal vets would be any use?

The little Milli is still going. At least I can keep her going with the baby food for a little while if need be. It helps that she actually liked it!!

I'm going to ring a few vets tomorrow, i have been told any vet that can do a monofilament xray can do it
Just needs to be a really fine xray to pick up the pins on the males

I'm looking for some black head mointors probably :lol:
Monitors are great, but I think this sexing thing is going to be painful...oh well
Are you going to get anything other than gex?
Eventually I plan to. I should be getting some central netted dragons in a few month time as they are nice and small so will hopefully be able to fit them somewhere. I am also considering getting some angle headed dragons too, they are just awesome looking little fellas and only get to a max of 25cm.

When we move to our own place in a few years I plan to have lots of outdoor enclosures and a big indoor air conditioned/heated herp room. For now though I am thoroughly enjoying my gex! Would be interested for sure if you get any eggs from your monitors this season though. It's just a case of logistics!

The little Milli lunged twice at a cricket this evening. Unfortunately she missed, but at least she is getting her appetite back, I think that baby food must be working. Hopefully she manages to catch one cricket tonight. I put one in with back legs attached and one in with no back legs so she has a choice! If she hasn't eaten either tomorrow I'll give her some baby food again. All the other Milli are doing so well. They aren't shy at all and will quite happily eat without needing privacy.

Black headed monitors would be awesome! How much do those guys go for? Do they get pretty big? I've heard that Mertens Water monitors get really time, like a dog, Not sure if it's true, but if so, I WANT SOME!

I would like to get a pair of Pythons at some stage but that definitely won't be hapenning this year. Plenty of time though.

Which enclosure did you get? They all looked awesome. A bargain too for such a large enclosure.

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