Hibernating pygmy beardies!! HELP!!

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New Member
Aug 23, 2010
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Bondi, NSW

I have 2 pygmy beardies that are hibernating for a very long time... They have been hibernating since the start of March this year and show no signs of waking up! They are both sleeping in separate hides and when I have checked on them they look at me all dopey and annoyed that i woke them up. I still have their heat lamp on (28degrees) and the UV B light is on 10 hrs a day. I am concerned as they were only born in December 2009. Is this normal for pygmy beardies? I have a central beardie who is 10 months old and he shows no sign on wanting to hibernate at all. Please help. I am getting worried bout my little beardies and short of taking them to the vet for a check up I don't know what to do!!



I have 2 pygmy beardies that are hibernating for a very long time... They have been hibernating since the start of March this year and show no signs of waking up! They are both sleeping in separate hides and when I have checked on them they look at me all dopey and annoyed that i woke them up. I still have their heat lamp on (28degrees) and the UV B light is on 10 hrs a day. I am concerned as they were only born in December 2009. Is this normal for pygmy beardies? I have a central beardie who is 10 months old and he shows no sign on wanting to hibernate at all. Please help. I am getting worried bout my little beardies and short of taking them to the vet for a check up I don't know what to do!!


if you are still using the same UV light from March you may need to replace it, 'apparantly' the UV is only active for 6 months.
and i would start upping the heat gradually til you get back to the 40c basking spot, they will wake when they know the time is right, start upping temps and see what happens, make sure you have food ready.
Dont wake them up to take them to the vet because you are worried about them!

Let them be, they will come out of brumation when they are ready.
Cheers. I will replace the globe today and start upping the heat and see what happens. Thanks for the help.
Oh and I will hold off on the vet too. Thanks for the help, these 3 are my first lizards and i've found the books dont hold all the answers!! Cheers
Please keep us updated with how things go..... My beardie went to 'sleep' for the first time this yr and he put himself to sleep with the temps all the same as normal and it all happened around the end of Feb - March. He only just woke up about two weeks ago... A breeder told us this can be normal as they have their own ideas on when things should be done.... Talk about having a mind of their own...
i tried getting my pygmies to read the book but they got confused with all the big words, so i threw it out,,
seriously though, the books will give a really good guide as to what should be going on, BUT in the long run, mother nature knows what she is doing.
Mine was the same, doesnt like to conform to the beardie manual, does the opposite of the guides,

i swear pygmy's make their own rules,
oh good, i feel better now, i was beginning to think mine were a bit 'special' :)
The best thing anyone can do particularly if new to keeping reptiles is keep a journal of what you see. Published books are fantastic and I would recommend everyone reads recognized literature to gain the necessary knowledge required to keep a reptile successfully. However their is nothing better than having your own observations written down that you can always refer back to.

Noting things down such as :

Times of brumation ie April - August
Behavior changes

The list goes on. It's a worthwhile exercise in better understanding the reptiles you look after.
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