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No snakes "hibernate". Snakes go into a state of brumation. Basically it means they're able to escape if there is danger (whereas a bear in hibernation would not). In the wild, I imagine that snakes would brumate at any age if the temperature if could enough. In captivity, it's suggested to not allow snakes under a year old brumate, by keeping day and night temperatures around 27-33C.

In my opinion, unless the snake is a diamond, I wouldn't allow any snake to completely brumate.
hi thanks for the reply i shall take note, Just another question how long will they brumate for? and at what time of the year?
It depends on where you're located and the temperatures you're getting. If you mimic the seasons, and lower the temperatures during Winter, then they should brumate. Although, unless you've got a diamond, or plan to breed the snakes, then I wouldn't allow the snakes to brumate. I keep my heat at Summer temperatures (33C during the day, no night heat) all year round.
Snake Brumation

We have a 3 yr old spotted python who has gone into brumation for the last two years.Living in North Queensland I don't heat my tanks on a regular basis. I let nature do its thing. The first year he went into brumation he did not feed for 5 months and no matter what we tried showed no interest in food for the 5 months. The second year he didn't feed for 8 months. Both periods he showed no signs of loss of condition and was healthy. When he came out of brumation feeding was not a problem.

Brumation period starts around Apr and this year whilst he is very active show no signs of feeding. We will now wait till Sep before we try and feed again.

My other snakes a water python and coastal carpet showed no signs of brumation last year and fed regularly all year round.
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