Hit turtle.

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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2009
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Wangaratta, Victoria, Australia
me and a friend accidently hit a longneck turtle and the top of its carapace has snapped off, it has movement in all fours and neck is okay, we are putting it a warm place with a bowl of water and a towel, we are going to take it to the vets tomorrow, just wondering what else i can do. its bleeding a bit and i was wondering would i be able to wrap a sterile bandage on its shell to stop the bleeding.
patchies stuff in to were it is bleeding from.not cotton it will stick. it the patchies that have then shiney pit that dont stick.
what are patchies? we dont have anything like that, its stopped bleeding a bit, im gonna check on murphey (i've named him ._.) in about 2 hours to see if the bleeding stopped, if not, im gonna wash it with some saline and put a bandage on him
not so sure but 1 thing i learned with tropical fish if you have any anntibiotics laying around it helps with witespot and other fungal problems fish get without killing the plants maby open a capsial or 2 into the water you dont need much i used to use 2 capsuals in a 4ft tank every wk till the fish were better (the filters will takeout some ov the antibiotics aswell) goot heating to keep it warm i would also keep it out of deep water as water will soften its shell other then that im not sure of anything i dont keep turtles tho my misus has had some saved turtles in the past before we met and just after we met all recovered well but nothing like what you have....

on a side note dont get to attached my stepson found a bird that was hit by a caar and the vet took it from us and gave it to the apropiate wild life rehab people so make sure you take note of where you got it so they can release it back where it came from

gl hope it gets better

dont feel to bad these things happen alot but unlike most people u didnt just leave it there to die so good on you my misus has had 1 that was found in a crabpot atacked by crabs... and 1 found motionless on a saltwater beach.. both had full recoverys even the 2nd 1 that was taken for dead other then it moved when it was picked up so you would be suprised at how well some animals hold up with the right care
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lol someguy its still alive :D

my gf is teh same lol the longer you have it in your care the harder it will be to let it go i can say that for a fact no matter what the animal.....

as i said before a vet is your best bet however they will keep it and hand it over to people who are dedicated in nurseing turtles.. or birds.. ect that live in your area
May I ask, how did you hit it? I can't imagine it running out in front of you....
it was on the road, i was the passenger in the car and we saw what we thought was a possum, we tried to swerve to miss it but ended up hitting the poor fella. hes okay at the moment i've stopped the bleeding with cornflour as the wildlife carer said, and is attending a wildlife course tomorrow and becoming a member of wildlife vic :) i hope the big boy/girl gets through the night!
oooh nice will that allow you to keep the turtle or just rehab it and let it go canyou inbox me the info mite look into it in qld as i only work casually and was thinking of doing some volenteer work at 1 of the zoos near by
im in vic lol, you'll have to talk to your wildlife thing, yes it might, im trying to figure out what sex it is, hes old i know that, got a chip outta him and one eye missing! quite a handsome little(big) thing i must say!
nice mite give hem a ring b4 xmas was gonna hit the zoos up after xmas as i still need a new car lol
hehe ull be fine hun if you get to keep it or atlest nurse it back to health u will feel extreamly happy with knowing it was you that helped it
yup, just checked on him, hes very cold but i got told not to put heat on him, and there was a bit of blood or something red coming out of his mouth. i hope the guy will be okay.
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