Well-Known Member
Hi,so I know I've posted about this b4 but the time has come where I actually do need to build an incubator and I still have a few questions I need advice with as I said I'm going with the poly/styro box method.. What I still am contimplating is whether I should use a heat cord(if so how long ,what wattage?) or use an aquarium heater with water and have the tubs on bricks above the water..what I wanna know is basically will both of these work with a poly there any risk of fire? And which is the best method to use..and how to do it? Also would like to make viewing windows..can I use those plastic container lids with holes in em or do I need some sort of glass?
I know it's alot but don't want to take any chances or do anything wrong..btw I will be hatching beardies hopefully..
Thanks in advance for any tips advice =]
I know it's alot but don't want to take any chances or do anything wrong..btw I will be hatching beardies hopefully..
Thanks in advance for any tips advice =]