Homemade incubator prt 2

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2010
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The North Pole
Hi,so I know I've posted about this b4 but the time has come where I actually do need to build an incubator and I still have a few questions I need advice with asap..so as I said I'm going with the poly/styro box method.. What I still am contimplating is whether I should use a heat cord(if so how long ,what wattage?) or use an aquarium heater with water and have the tubs on bricks above the water..what I wanna know is basically will both of these work with a poly box..is there any risk of fire? And which is the best method to use..and how to do it? Also would like to make viewing windows..can I use those plastic container lids with holes in em or do I need some sort of glass?
I know it's alot but don't want to take any chances or do anything wrong..btw I will be hatching beardies hopefully..
Thanks in advance for any tips advice =]
oo ooo ooo... I need to know these things too :) I will make one next season
Hey.. if i get time later ill take pics of the one i made and show you..dont know about aquarium heater coz ive never tried it, but others do and i dont see why it wouldnt work.. i use a 15watt heat cord, and have a fitted basket that sits inside the foam box and the cord is wrapped through the bottom of that, (dont put the cord against the foam just incase it melts into it or burns it)..made a little shelf for the tubs and connected to a thermostat. So easy..
For the lid, i used photo frame glass, traced around it, in the middle of the lid and cut it out with a knife..and it sits in the lid perfectly..
Also instead of using individual containers For the eggs to sit in I was wondering if I could use two big containers..maybe just normal plastic tubs or even those styro containers you get ur charcoal chicken in lol..would this work?
Sel- yer some pics would realli help me out,particularly with the heat cord thing..I get what ur saying but might be easier for me to see it if u get what I mean..and I've already cut the holes..guess I'll go get some glass..thanks
i use cheap chineese containers [ the ones u get crickets in] they allready have vent holes in them .
Yer I was planning to use those containers 2,but was thinking incase I need more room I'd be better off putting 2 big containers(fit more eggs)..I might just see how I go,who knows might not even need the room,depends how many eggs she lays I guess,jst like being prepared lol
The basket idea might not be any good for you anyway, i used a little basket from my upright freezer, its a little rusty hehe...fitted perfectly. Added some dowel pegs on the sides to hold the basket off the base.. u can see in the pics.. i need to add more shelves now for some more tubs.
Not much room in it.. but its working perfectly!

Here you go..

The better airflow around the eggs, the better success rate you should have. Larger tubs are better if you can fit them. You don't need any air in the egg container, just open them up maybe once every week or two, and every few days close to hatching and wave some fresh air into it.
Ahh I see what uve done,good idea..yer I think I'll probably just get some hooks and some sort of material to wrap the heatcord around or something just so it's not directly on the foam bottom..hmm I'm thinking maybe those plastic hooks u use for hding cables in place..but maybe not plastic lol..I jst need something to keep it off the surface and then maybe put some sort of grill over and rest the eggs on there..kinda like ur one
No two- so I'm def better off using containers with some sort of lid to go on top? Rather than having an open container..or will it not matter anyway if my incubator is air tight?
Sel- is that a plastic lid under the basket? Or on the basket for the containers to sit on..and can I see gladwrap?
You should have a lid on your containers. The whole point is to keep them humid. Even in a 'sealed' incubator, it's not going to be as humid as a sealed container.
the plastic thing is half a shelf lol its about in the middle.
Yep, the containers have holes in them so i gladwrapped them to seal, as they were drying out.
Youll need a lid on the containers, btw,
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