How can u tell a dragons age.....?

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2008
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Hi everyone!

Quick question.....Is there a way to tell the age of an EWD? doesnt have to be exact but like within a year or two? Was just thinkin about all the reps that get sold and most are always hatchlings, juvies, sub adults or adults between few weeks and few years old but i have rarely (never) seen like a 10year old dragon for sale or 15year old python.. So would this mean people keep them or just not tell you the really age of it so you buy it?

Its just a thought...

But I would like some info on how i can find out the age of my EWD's??

& one of them has been gravid (not overly) & has been digging around for almost a week...

Merry Christmas!

It's pretty much guess work, they can live for 50 years in captivity if cared for, so guessing if its 20 years or 30 years old is near impossible.
can they stop breeding at a certain age?
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