How do I get chords through enclosure wall?

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Not so new Member
Aug 26, 2007
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Sydney, Sutherland Shire
I am building an enclosure, and I want to put the heat mat chord out the back but if I make a hole the size of the plug, the snake will escape. How would you make the hole?
Need to cut off the plug then feed the cable through and you need an electrician to attach another one...;)
what we did was cut a hole the size of the plug and then use the timber that came out, to plug the whole back up with plenty glue and even put a thin bit of ply on the outside to be sure
hmm tricky i see 2 potions

1. make the hole big enough for the plug, and then make a square of timber that will block of the larger hole making tight fit around the chord.

2. substitute the heat mat for a heating chord thus eliminating the need for a great big hole in the first place

hope its helps
my enclosure uses one of those cable hole things for computer desks. you just have to ensure that the slide thing that makes the whole bigger/smaller is stuck in place somehow to prevent the snake pushing it open. ive used blue tack but it hasnt been tested.
I don't know if anyone has seen Reptapets enclosures but they are made like "Potion 1" suggests. Next time you go to a pet store that has Reptapet enclosures and cabinets check them out. There is a little section cut out for cords but you would never know it was there.
what we did was cut a hole the size of the plug and then use the timber that came out, to plug the whole back up with plenty glue and even put a thin bit of ply on the outside to be sure

agree with this......just use a hole saw and plenty of silicone to seal it up again.
NO NO NO as your makeing your enclosure cut the hole in the side and put the cord in b4 you screw the sides together it will be tight and secure and plug the space with a sealant
Option 1: As said above take the plug of the end put the cord through and then refit the plug end (did it for my light/heat fittings).
Option 2: I converted an old tv cabinet for my girls enclosure so the plug holes where already there but had no timber cut out to re-use so went to bunnings and found plastic vent covers (cost less than $1 each about 2 years ago) for the holes so you can cut the holes to plug end size and then place a vent cover in the hole ( with a small slot in it for the cord only, easy to cut as only made from plastic and cheap enough to replace if needed......). Easy to remove if you need to replace the heat mat/cord etc.
Hint you might want to place a bit of small square mesh over the back of the vent cover to stop escaping (depending on size of the animal). Pic 2.....


If you haven't built the enclosure entirely, I personally would build a hinged flap with small cord slots on one edge (bottom or top edge depending on heat mat or light fittings) that are closed when the flap is closed, allowing only a cord to pass through.

This also allows you to remove the mat or light fitting...whatever it is...later if it fails. It's also easy to drill and cut more slots if more equipment is installed later. I'll build an example in 3ds max and post a pic.
Here is the closed and open positions of the flap, illustrated as purple, and cabinet as green.

The slot could be placed on the side of the flap depending on whatever, or the whole flap could even be at the top of the cabinet, or even both top and bottom.

This just illustrates my idea. Hope it helps. No need to pay for an expensive electrician to come and wire up your enclosure, just pay me for a brilliant idea.... :)


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