how do i kno wen my snake will lay?

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Jul 24, 2008
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i bought a breeding pair of coastal carpets bout 6 months back. they were in cooling wen we bought them and r now mating. i was just wondering if there is any way 2 tell wen the female is about 2 lay so we can keep an eye on them. also, she has not yet fed, is this a problem? thats going on about 8 months without food
To find out when she will lay you just count down the days from her pre-lay shed. Coastals will usually lay around 25-30 days after their pre-lay shed.

It's normal for her to refuse food at this time. She will begin feeding once her eggs are taken and she is set up in a different enclosure, or after her enclosure has been cleaned to remove the scent of her eggs.
ok thanks. she shed a couple of weeks ago so im hoping she is going to lay soon. was just a little worried as the person who owned the snakes before us said they didnt breed, im starting 2 wonder if they r an actual breeding pair or if i got ripped off lol
I was trying to breed for 4.5 years and no go till this year, you may have the same problem I did, which was I had a female and male but my male was infertile which ment I waisted 4 years. this year I ended up buying myself a proven breeder male and I now have 7 -8 fertile eggs out of 24 eggs left in the incubator.

its not uncommon to buy a pair and it just doesn't happen for a few years which sucks but also really prepares you for when she actually does lay.

has she exspanded in size like looking bloated then a normal feed? you will really notice this if she hasn't eaten for awile. then she'll shed about 2-3 weeks after and then it's rouphly 25 - 30 days after pre lay shed that she'll lay. she'll become more active in and out of the next box, basking more and more. and then she'll stay in her box for a few day's and you won't see her this is a likely time when she is ready to lay any minute. that and you may notice her laying on her back with her belly showing and real loose coils.

if this happens then its a good indicator she is due to lay in a week or 2.

what method are you using for incubation and tub substrate method etc? have you sorted that out yet? or are you going to alow her to incubate them her self and if this is the case is her enclosure ready prepared for her to do it?

once she starts showing signs of belly up and in and out of the box, remove your male from her enclosure. she also won't lay till she feels her nest is perfect and how she wants it. don't be alarmed if she lays more slugs then exspected seeing she is a first timer, and during the incubation period you loose some or most of the clutch, this just happens as long as temps and humidity is kept pretty much at 31.5 -32 degrees during the day and doesn't drop below 29 degrees at night you shouldn't have too much problem.

well hope this helped and good luck
ok thanks. she has a hollowed out log thing that she has been hiding under. this is my first time breeding so i only knew wat the sellers told me lol. i didnt realise u had 2 hav a box 4 her 2 lay in. wat do u recommend using? a cardboard box with spagnamoss or something in it? ummm as 4 incubation, i got an old bar fridge so was gonna make 1 out of that with directions i saw on the net. she doesnt look any fatter then wat she ever has. im getting really worried bout her not eating tho. i dont want her 2 starve and die on me.
u should be able to tell if she is gravid by looking at her... here are a few pics of our coastal first is 10days after prelay. 2nd is 25days after. not the best pics but you can see what mean.


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ok thanks. she shed a couple of weeks ago so im hoping she is going to lay soon. was just a little worried as the person who owned the snakes before us said they didnt breed, im starting 2 wonder if they r an actual breeding pair or if i got ripped off lol

Well if its a male and female of the right age, then its a pair capable of breeding. Its not up to the seller if they breed or not, how would you get ripped off?

As said before, they will lay about 25-30 days after the prelay shed, thats if she is gravid and wasn't just a 'usual' shed. You might have also seen her ovulate? She would have had a noticeable mid body swelling.
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