how do i sex blue tongues

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Apr 2, 2007
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hi just wondering how do i sex blue tongues
some people say by the head but they also say that about lorikeets and thats a load of well lets say rubbish so if theres anyone out there that breeds blues healp me please and also any addvise on breeding thanks
Good question.

I was told to look for the boofy head and some stuff about tail shape but none of this sounds much better than flipping a coin.

I went groping the net to see what I could find:
Breeding info: Northern blue tongues are among the easiest and most predictable breeders of the common blue tongues. Unfortunately there is no reliable method to sex juveniles. If your goal is to breed, you must either purchase proven adults or raise up juveniles until they can be sexed. One reliable method of sexing adults is to house each blue tongue separately in a container void of substrate, the males will regularly shed small clear seminal plugs.

Sexing and Characteristics:

The Males Have a Straight Side And A bulky Head The Females how ever Have a More Curved Stumach And Are Very Dosile as well as the male

... and then there is this site that seems to attempt every blue tongue question you could ever dream up:,1310183&show_threads=2
yeah, theres ways to guess but both males and females show the same characteristics.

the only way to be sure is to see sperm plugs, have a proven mating pair or get it xrayed.
I am pretty sure you can prob them as well although thats just what I have been told
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