How do you tell

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The males have beards ........

They will need to be probed by an experienced person .
The most accurate way is for them to be probed,,, some people can tell without probing but I would get it done by a vet or experienced person you trust!
The snake is probed with a small, thin metal probe and I believe the males probe deeper than the females.
Whjat sort of snake and how big?
If it is a carpet or diamond python over about 80cm the males have pronounced claws on their spurs, female have bearly any.
There are a few ways to sex a snake. Some species have a major difference in tail shape and length, some have large spurs on the male but not female.

Popping and probing are the two main ways of sexing. Probing is generally the safest and most acurate, but even then sometimes there is confusion.

Never attempt to probe or pop a snake without being taught and supervised to someone with experience.
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take the snake to a reptile vet or a vet that specialises in reptile's, a big breeder that is exsperianced in probing or poping, or even a reptile shop that breeds as well and know's how to probe themselves. don't do it yourself or get someone with no exsperiance in it. if done wrong or to rouph you could damage there goods and they can become infurtile.
You can damage any python if you don't know what your doing, regardless of the snakes age. Adult pythons are actually easier to probe...did you mean juvies? (Not trying to be smart)

page 83 care of Australian reptiles says not to probe adult carpet pythons and my local breeder already told me the same thing ;) he only probes under 12 mths
my local breeder said that he can, but doesnt usually probe anything under about 2 years old...
I wouldn't take the vets word as gospel either. I had a few of my snakes probed once by a local herp vet. He probed one of my jungles as male. I checked at home myself and the snake went 8 sub-caudal scales. I contacted the breeder and asked his opinion and he stood by his own original probing as a female. She laid her first clutch this season.

Moral of the story - always talk to the breeder. There has actually been little research into sex determination by probing and the ranges generally provided in the available literature may not necessarily be a true indication to the actual ranges that exist.
In my case the breeder told me that all of his females probe deeper than what the text books say they should.
I bought a pair of BHP's as hatchies 3 years ago and the breeder said they where male and female I introduced them this year and I infact have 2 males instead and thats a exspencive mistake now I can't even get my monie back for a 3.5 years old male bhp thats ready the breed next season. so the breeders get it wrong too.
I thought you put some cash and a tv remote in the basking end and which ever your snake lays on determines their sex!!! I will not go into which means which
Took both mine to vet but didnt trust vet so I took mine back to shop who bred them and they probed them then n there and both said same. so yeh probing is best way to tell imo
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