Well-Known Member
hey im movin soon from adelaide 2 qld and we are driving up and i was wounderin if it wud be alright to keep the snakes in the car without heat for bout 8 hours then heat them when we stop at night....
i got a costal will be bout 3 when we go a port mac will be bout 1.5 and same wid the md is bout 1.5.....its gonna be in the warmer months we r goin
feed them as normal before you go, thats makes sure they stay in good condition, then one week before you leave stop feeding to make sure they're guts are empty. bag them and box them, then keep them in the main body of the car with you (not the boot). then get them onto the right heat gradient as soon as you get to your destination. make SURE you dont overheat them, too much heat will harm them sooner than too little.
good luck! and welcome to QLD!!