How to do get over the fear....

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Not so new Member
May 10, 2009
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Adelaide, South Australia
of getting your snake out of the cage????

Mine is only about 95ish centimetres long and she is only 5 months old and has been handled a fair bit by her previous owners so she is quite placid....apparently!

I have held her a few times ( i have had her for a week today) - but i have been getting her out with gloves (woosy i know!) and then i take the gloves off.

She hasn't bitten me - but, i am still scared!!!

I know it sounds stupid but how do you conquer the fear???? She is curled up at the moment and looks all peaceful - how do i pick her up with my hands? Do i scoop her up like a little patty - and then what will she do with her head???

Lssah came over and he was fine with her - but i am scared....and he is not online! lol.

ps. I am such a noob!
Easiest way is to get bit, once you realize it really does not hurt you will be fine.

The scary bit is the strike not the bite, once you get hit a few time you will get over it :)

I know its rough but I find that's they only way to get over it. You could always just keep on using gloves.
Invest in a snake hook, she should be fine once out of her cage right? Its never good to get bitten but it happens. Good luck
I've had my year old stimmie (Barrie) for about 7 weeks and I'm still nervous of him although he is really placid too. I ALSO WEAR COTTON GLOVES.... :) when first handling him. First though I have a little hook that I place gently under his mid section and start to lift him up with that, then I get my other hand under his body to support him, then put the hook down and just be very slow and gentle with him. I don't let his (tiny) face near my face yet. The other day I felt very brave and proud of myself, I picked him up with the gloves then slowly took each glove off and handled him with bare hands. Don't feel silly, you have to take it as slowly as you feel comfortable. Just make sure the snake is supported along it's body and in time you'll get used to each other. People have really laughed at me when I say I use gloves and a hook to handle my "stimmie" one of the smallest pythons and most placid, but I don't care I have to do what I feel right doing. I know my confidence is slowly growing and yours will too. Slowly, slowly, slowly that's how I think you should take it. I've been in shops and handled really big snakes and felt fine about it, but it's quite a different thing when you get home and it's .....your snake....and there's no one else experienced to help you if they start to wriggle too much or something. I'm sure you'll be just fine, DON'T WORRY.... :)
I just found another thread on here that someone else had almost written what i had!

Phew, glad it's not just me. Ok, i think i am going to just go and get her out!
This is ridiculous!!!!
I have several tattoo's, i have given birth to three children, i have been bitten by rats and mice before, been bitten by a bearded dragon......even my dog bites!!!!!

Why am i soooooooo intimidated by my little snake!!!!!

When Barrie first bit me.....and it has only been once....I didn't feel it, there was a tiny bit of blood, but it happened like lightening and I'm sure I was in shock for about an hour after....they are so incredibly quick, and they look so calm and cute and sweet, then suddenly.....whamo !!! I think his head was about the size of the first joint of my little finger...hee hee hee...couldn't have hurt me if he tried. :)
Mines head is about the size of the end joint of my index finger - i need to put her new substrate in so i have to get her out!!! Could be a long night lol!
twinny, Barries head is now about that size too. He's 120 grams and about 71 cm long, which is twice the size of when I got him. But being a stimmie, Barrie will only ever grow to about a metre, which is plenty big enough for me, actually if he stayed the size he is now I'd be quite happy, I'm not really into big snakes, I like them, but wouldn't want one to look after.
Just get your hands in there and do it..... Once you`ve done it you`ll be fine.:)
I love big snakes Grannieannie, but if i am scared of my little baby - what am i going to do when she grows! lol.

I just need to suck it up and get her out!!! I so badly want to hold her and love it when she is out, but i feel like a chicken!
Like the ad says, just do it, lol. The fear is much worse than the reality & I would much rather get bitten by one of my snakes than a rat! Or a parrot for that matter. And remember, when you do take that first tag, grab the camera BEFORE cleaning up. We are a bloodthirsty mob & just love seeing others get hit, lmao! Now...go do it! ;)
haaahaaaa, i'll make sure i have the camera handy!

I need to set a video up in this room - i have had my rather large green tree frog jump for my face a few time - now that would be a classic to watch from a distance!
I made a snake hook out of a coat hangar for my snakes. This worked a real treat with the Darwin as she was very very defensive. I think it was the big hand descending to get her that caused the problem. Once I started to hook her out first she has calmed down and I haven't been bitten for weeks.

Snakes react to what we do, so if you are rough or grab them, then they react to that, they don't like being grabbed, or quick movements. Just slide your hands under and lift them out/up. If they grab hold of something in their enclosure (which they're inclinded to do when you're trying to get them out) it's easier to just take that out of the enclosure with them. Let them hang onto you, not the other way around. It's best not to feed them in their enclosure because when they see you coming they think you're going to feed them. They can easily mistake your hand coming to get them as a food item - ouch! If you have to feed your snake in it's enclosure, then when you need to get it out, always fish it out with a jigger, once you've lifted it up with the jigger you should be able to lift it out. Be gentle with them and they are gentle with you. In saying all that, snakes are a bit like people, they're all different with different personalities, so you could get one that just has a nasty disposition or that just hates being handled or has maybe had a bad experience with people before you acquired them. Some species are just more inclined to be bitey too. If you're scared and not getting over it, it may be best to have a more placid species like a Diamond.
I was reading another post discussing whether they can sense fear. I believe they can. I have known several people that snakes of all types just go for, same snake is placid with everyone else. Whether it's the persons smell or vibration, not sure, but I suspect it is the fear factor.
When i have her out she is very curious and relaxes after a couple of minutes.

Does it matter exactly where on her body i pick her up? As in if i am too far down her body is she going to bite me?
I NEVER approach Barrie from the front, always from the side or back. Hey, I've just had him out, talking to you has built up my courage :) I got him...bare hands...and we've had a lovely time. He's been all over my chest, shoulders, in my hair, he climbed along my shoulder, went up to the side of my face, onto and over the top of my glasses (I wear glasses all the time) then his head went into my hair and the rest of his body dropped down into my glasses between my eyes and glasses, it was really funny. He was so calm, it was wonderful. After about 10 minutes I put him back. That's one of the best encounters I've ever had with him.

Hey remember that although your snake is little and will one day be won't be big over night and you'll slowly get used to his size. I have people come and see Barrie who haven't seen him in a couple of weeks and they comment on how much he's grown, but when you live with them all the time, their size just creeps up gradually and you get used to them as the size they are.
Grannie, my heart is beating out of my chest here!!! I just can't do it! - except i HAVE to do it because i am halfway through changing over the substrate!
My husband thinks it is hilarious!
You poor love, can you put it off till tomorrow ? Hey, if hubby thinks it's so funny...ummm, ask him to do it for you. :) If he's like my hubby, he's never touched a snake and certainly isn't game to hold Barrie, though he says he'd do it if he had to.

Remember the more you stress....the more the snake will know it. Do you have a little bag you can put the snake into while you change the viv ? A pillow case would do. Get your hook, your gloves on, get hubby to open the pillow case and gently get the snake up on the hook and place it into the bag, secure the top while you clean the viv. When you've finished, put the pillow case in the viv with the top open so it can get out itself. Maybe that will help.

You can do it....I know you can....smiles, Anne :)
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