Thanks guys
Your very helpful
Should I take a container or anything with me to bring it home safely?
Or is there something else I should be using?
The car ride will be around an hour
small click clack tub and a hand towel or teatowel ,so it has something to hide under, don't have the heaters cranked in the car they can overheat and dehydtrate quickly,
for a first snake i'd go for temperment, a nippy hatchy can put some people off very quickly, a placid first one will boost your confidence in handling, as has been said, something that generally just looks happy and healthy, and feeding well, dont be tempted to take one 'straight out of the egg'', wait for one that has a good feeding routine, I originally thought it was a bit early for hatchies, then i realised it is September shortly,.....
and a lot of hatchies can be snappy, its a self defense mechanism, most settle quickly, some never seem to...
where has this year gone ???
good luck and pics are compulsory when you get it home, don't forget to let it settle for a couple of weeks to get use to its new surroundings, Have you got its new home all set up ?? checked temps etc, you may as well do something while you wait ....