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Active Member
Nov 3, 2008
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Im new to this,how and what worming treatment do you us to worm a snake,are there any symptoms to indicate it needs worming??????
^ Agreed. I'd also recommend making sure that you do not pass the worms from the affected snake onto another - wash up well after handling.

What's making you suspect that your snake might have worms? When did you get him/her?

Don't feel dumb for asking questions! It's the only way to learn. :)
My bhp has not eaten for 4 months,ive had her for three months previous owner fed it 1 month before,stays in its hide most of the time,i live in cooktown 32 every day so i dont think its the temp,it looks healthy moves around at ease.
Would love it to eat.
My bhp has not eaten for 4 months,ive had her for three months previous owner fed it 1 month before,stays in its hide most of the time,i live in cooktown 32 every day so i dont think its the temp,it looks healthy moves around at ease.
Would love it to eat.

Stop calling yourself Dopey. You can only learn by asking questions no matter how dumb you think they sound. Keeping snakes isn't something that is completely learnt overnight. You will continue to learn through their whole life.

Worm treatments - you can buy worm treatments from the pet shop or the vet. I use canine allwormer on my snakes - same stuff a Drontal for dogs - and follow same directions on the bottle as it states for the dogs. Thats what my vet told me but I only worm once a year or accordingly if worms a present.

I am not sure about your BHP not eating. Usually when snakes go off their food it is usually got to do with the set up. The temperature sounds ok but perhaps you can bump it up another 2c. BHP come from QLD/NT area where the weather is very warm. I am not sure about the humidity level though, whether being on the coast they don't like it or not enough. Another thing that could scare them off eating is having them in too big enclosure for the size of the snake. He could feel vulnerable and intimidated. You could talk to the previous owner also, ask them if they had any difficulties, perhaps they can help. BHP are born reptile eaters but most breeders will make sure they are voluntarily accepting rodents before they sell them, so if he was taking rodents but still hesitant about it, moving him would have set him backwards. Talk to his breeder or another BHP breeder and ask them for advice.

Hope this helps
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