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Active Member
Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Frankston, Vic
hi all i was wondering wot humidity levels people are keeping their coastals in? and wot methods apart from a water bowl are used to maintain levels?
Humidity is not something you need to concern yourself with, unless the snake is shedding. And then the only thing you need to do is make it higher. Coastals do fine with no excess humdity.
i had issue with a coastal not shedding properly and everything was fine in the enclosure except my humidity was around 30%. we tried everything to get him back to normal but he ended up dying because of septasemia. so im trying to increase my humidity so it doesnt happen again.
Tried everything to get him back to normal?? You mean, remove his excess shed?

I'm a little shoddy on most medical terms, so do you mean this?

I fail to see how a poor shed can lead to this? The only thing you need to do when it's shedding is to add another water bowl, as I do, or simply spray the snake once or twice a day. If this doesn't work and the snake still sheds improperly, then simply putting the snake in a pillow case, placing the pillow case in luke warm water (low enough that the snake can still breathe), wait ten minutes, then put the bag elsewhere, so that the snake moves through the bag. The shed skin will simply come off.

Excess humidity can cause RIs, so I tend to keep a low humidity.
wot sort of levels of humidity? do you have a hygrometer?

its a long story how it ended up to that, but i just wont an idea of wot levels of humidity are generally kept. mainly so it doesnt happen again.
No, I don't. I don't provide ANY humidity. Whatever the natural levels are is what my snakes get.
i have a hygrometer and its some time 60% and sometimes like 10% if is a hot day mit gos higher but i dont do anything for my snakes humidity its just what it is
or just let him swim around in a bath for 20 mins or so just prior to shedding if you have issues. if the shed is bad and patchy u could probably do with a little more humidity. 40 or 50% wont cause RI's. you can try using repti bark or something similar as substrate which tends to hold moisture alot better. i use reptibark and my humidty will happily sit on 75% for a few days with a spray down, you wouldnt want that much humidity for your snake though.
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