I.D. this small skink

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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170383_1780104029986_1460982173_1902397_6401287_o.jpg171003_1780104670002_1460982173_1902398_2081311_o.jpgI know it's common, but I just don't know what it is.
Photos are blurry -- the tail is red.
By the way, my friend kept two of these, wild-caught. We didn't know it was illegal.
where are you?

and the plant its on would be a Japanese maple and not what i'm thinking wouldnt it lol
Eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
Also, I didn't smell smoke when I came back and he'd disappeared, so no, it wouldn't.
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Pics aint the best, i'm thinking either Menetia greyii but i dont think they are found in melb or a Saproscincus mustelinus
I agree with the guys that it looks like a Weasel Skink (Saproscincus mustelinus).
The white spot below and behind the eye is characteristic. Also the reddish tail base is distinctive.

By the way, you'd better tell your friend to release the pair exactly where he found them, otherwise he could be in big trouble with the authorities! I suggest that you delete that pic of the "Japanese Maple" as well.
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Bushman, one died, one was stolen.
Also, I don't know what the plant is, it's in our backyard, dad and mum have planted it.
I'm pretty sure it's not what everyone thinks.
Um, One was stolen ?! Who steals a small skink .. thats fairly common around your area I would assume?
Don't worry Plimpy, I was only joking. The one that you thought was stolen, probably just escaped.
You could probably get them on licence, relatively cheaply if you wanted to keep them.

does anyone legally keep any Saproscincus sp.? Would make better captives than any boring python IMO.
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I'd love one, Bushman -- so interesting, so small, so calm, and they're good with one or more captive friends.
We had a third skink that looked like a Weasel skink, and my friend said that he 'bought' it from the local shop, saying it was a water skink. I'm sure it wasn't.
So yeah, they're good with friends.
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