I don't think my new spotted is a full quid

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Active Member
Jan 30, 2007
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
I have had this new spotted for almost 2 months now. I have him in a quiet, dark room, I don't believe it has anything to do with his environment.
I have tried pinkies, scented pinkies, thawed out gecko tails, riggling gecko tails and last night a live gecko. Well he had killed the gecko by morning but had left it after. Is it time to force feed? I have never done that before, any advice?
Can you tell us a little bit about the enclosure that you have him in?
What are your temps, warm and cool end?
Enclosure dimensions?
How old is the snake?
What are you scenting with?

Force feeding is an absolute last resort and you need to check and modify any problems you may have in your enclosure/environment before force feeding. It is usually something there that will cause them to stop feeding.
He is a hatchling living in a click-clack. His temp is not being monitored at the moment, just good old Townsville heat. Just scenting with gecko. He had his second shed tonight so fingers crossed tomorrow night will be successful.
I have f all experience, but my Jungle would not touch pinkies. Brained/scented/ or otherwise. First time she was offered a fuzzy, bang, strike and swallow. If you have a decent sized hatching, maybe try a prey item with a little fur..?
Fingers crossed for you.
Try scenting with chick down. Generally works a treat.
you are not monitoring temps and you think that the snake might not be the full quid???
set up you snake properly and then try and feed it.
it sounds weird but it worked for me a vet told me to place my coastal in a pillow case with its feed and leave her in a dark quiet room ....worked for mine
I live in north qld and I even use heating just a nomal house bulb as the heat lights bring your temps too high - the thing is that they still need a heated and cool end, more than likely it's too cool, also shedding reduces their appetite - force feeding is a last last resort I wouldn't try it until you get your tank sorted out and give it a few days atleast after it finishes shedding.
Renagade did your mother ever tell you that if you have nothing nice to not say anything at all.
He took a gecko. Last night, I just put it infront of his hide and left him be. It's a start at least, I will keep him on these and wean him onto mice as soon as I can.

Mattlewis, I understand why, pinkies barely smell. As soon as they get fur they start to smell like food. Thanks for your input.
." His temp is not being monitored at the moment, just good old Townsville heat"

Renegade wasnt being rude..she was being obvious..your not fussed about temps?!.. cmon man?
id like to see a pic of his enlosure if you could..good luck.:)
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1. was the snake feeding before you got it?
2. where are you getting your geckos from, if just outside, how do you know they arent carrying any type of parasite internal or otherwise?
3. Renegade wasn't being rude, she was simply stating that a big reason snakes go off food is if they aren't hot enough. Being an ectothermic animal, the temperature must be high enough for thier body to function properly, enough so that they are able to fully digest food. if the temps aren't hot enough then the snake may react to this and go off food until it warms up enough.

In saying this however, as previously stated it is also advisable to provide a spot in the enclosure where the snake can cool down if it chooses to also.

It is also healthy for a snake to be able to have a full Day/Night cycle, I would advise moving it to a spot where it can have a period of light each day, rather then just being kept in the dark.
<--- This can also be a factor as to why it has gone off feeding!

Hope you get the problem sorted, and your little friend on mice.

-Natalie ;)
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