I just LUUURVE Fishing :)

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Why would you even kill a shark of that size, i find that totally disgusting, i am a fisho but theres no need to kill such an awesome animal, what good comes from it?
The only thing that comes from it is the fact you fell like a big man....not right.
hope you caught that ages ago if it is That's one big fishy
I would hope so too,taking a shark that size from the sea is just wrong,and i totally agrre with duga!
Get into em duga,it seems a little pointless does'nt it,if it's not for food it should be killed.Most of these animals are draged out to sea and left to rot after they've weighed them and taken their macho photo's.
It's all a big shame realy.
I remember goin out deep sea fishing one day and everyone just got absolutly sick as dogs. You couldnt stand up without booting. I managed to vomit all over some guys jacket which he appreciated lol. And all i caught was a few flatheads and heaps of sweep.
That just pissses me off. Why the hell would you do that? That's no different than landing a whale or dolphin imo.

What a waste of a beautiful animal. :(
I have watched many docos on sharks,in particular the great whites and one huge female was caught in SA or South Africaa dead in a net or on a barrel line"can't quite remember"BUT,she was full of pups and because it takes them so long to reach sexual maturity it was estimated that the death or killing of that animal would take out 10% of the great white population in that area.

Leave the bigguns and small ones for that fact in the ocean where they belong and not on your display cabinet as a trophy!!!It's different in many cases and sometimes can't be avoided ,but if you go out targeting large animals like that you're contributing to the decline of whatever particular species of shark that is.I could ramble on and on but will leave it at that....
what good comes from it?
The only thing that comes from it is the fact you fell like a big man....not right.

Get into em duga,it seems a little pointless does'nt it,if it's not for food it should be killed.Most of these animals are draged out to sea and left to rot after they've weighed them and taken their macho photo's.
It's all a big shame realy.

That just pissses me off. Why the hell would you do that? That's no different than landing a whale or dolphin imo.

What a waste of a beautiful animal.

You guys should ask more questions than too jump the guns and make assumptions.

As I have stated earlier I have tag and released more fish than I care remember and have even received certificates on information given through the advantages of tag and release and recapturing the info.

Almost all the fish that have been killed in my presence were either or both used for scientific information with Dr Julian Pepperel and given to many youth hostels to help feed the needy.

How many snakes do you think were and still are killed for scientific research. They continue to kill snakes today to try and help understand the devastation that will be caused by the cane toad in the top end.

Do you think that they should stop doing this valuable research and just let the cane toad devastate populations. I don't think so.
I was reffering to the tiger shark in the photo.

Sport fishing for sharks has no scientific value, with the exception of tagging programs and now even that is becoming less valuable.
I don't fish for sharks nor will i but the long and short of it is people who do are doing it for fun, saying theres scentific research being done is just silly.
If people are tagging and releasing them i have no real problem with but seeing these beautiful animals killed is just disgusting regardless IMO.

Why would anyone want to cause harm to a amazing animal like a great white, tiger, mako etc.
my best fishing trip was a 5 day trip on a fishing charter boat, i think it was about 27feet long. first we went to crystal creek were we caught 'threadies" mangrove jacks, barra and others. also got a descent video of why crocs and alchohol dont mix(no harm came to anyone or the croc)

we spent the next few days deeps sea fish(bottom bouncing) when learnt i get sea sick very easily. i got over that in about 2 days. we caught lots of different things and me being the only herper on the boat was thrilled to see wild sea snakes and turtle. probably the best thing wa "squiding" at night. a lamp was put above the water to attract small squid and lures shaped like prawn were thrown over to catch them. the moment they came on board the were cut up and was put into batter. after awhile we learnt that if tyou squeeze the small ones they squirt ink so that got interesting
I was reffering to the tiger shark in the photo.
I don't know about that one Steve and can only answer for myself. The guy I fished with for over 12years was quite well known and has been NSWGFA and GFAA president for a period of about 4 or more years when I was fiching with him. He was also the club president for quite a few yrs. Because of this we were asked to bring in many species of shark marlin and tuna for Julian who is a marine bioligist to do studies on. I have never killed a great white and never would and in fact in twelve years of fishing big game I only ever saw one get weighed and to be honest was quite a sad day for me. Especially concidering it was only 125kilos which makes it only a juvenile.

Most of the fish we caught were in the early nineties tending more to T&R in the later years till all we did was T&R. I am a big believer in releasing fish back into the sea to fight another day.

If you want to get upset about killing fish then you should start complaining about long liners. They do more damage to the ocean than any other form of fishing in Australian waters.

Do you think it is wrong that herpetoligists go out and kill hundreds od species of reptiles in their search for new species. I think that is wrong but they still do it and they will continue to do so. It is the nature of science.
I know what your saying mate, i think alot of what happens in the name of research is wrong, personally i think people should stay out of alot of things.

Don't get me started on commerical fishing either, long liners in particular :evil: .

Great whites are a protected species now anyway so cant be killed, even though the population has suffered and dropped dramatically since the 60s and 70s, it's the best thing for them and they should be left alone so populations can re build if they can.
Don't get me started on commerical fishing either, long liners in particular .
Tell me about it. We have been fighting to get them stopped for years.

Great whites are a protected species now anyway so cant be killed, even though the population has suffered and dropped dramatically since the 60s and 70s, it's the best thing for them and they should be left alone so populations can re build if they can.

I think that is the best thing that the fisheries has ever done along with buying out fishing licences of commercial operators in certain harbours and bays.

I was lucky enough to see one great white alive and happy in my time game fishing and must admit it stopped everyone on the noat and we all just watched in awe of this magnificent creature as it swam past. I would give anything to go to Sth Africa or Sth Australia and go in the shark cages and see one face to face. I think that would be just awesome.
Mate i would love to go to Dire Island in South Africa.....just follow the seal pods and wait for a white to rip though them.....that would be a site to see.
Seeing one face to face would be just awesome, you would never forget that.
Diving in a cage with them is something I have wanted to do for sooooo many years, it's just the high expense of doing it that stops me and there is no gaurantees that you will see on anyway. At least in Sth Oz that is. I think Rodney Fox has the best one going down there in Adelaide, not 100% sure though.
I have to say hugsta that i am definately not jumping the gun or making assumptions with my comments earlier,i have worked in the fishing industry for ten years as a professional rod builder and have had alot to do with the big game tournaments and big game anglers.I have built many fishing rods for the people who fish them,not just in Aus but also internationaly and i know first hand what happens to these animals when they are finshed with them,as iam talking to these people on a regular basis and recieve a lot of feedback about all the going's on of the sport.
I have to say hugsta that i am definately not jumping the gun or making assumptions with my comments earlier,i have worked in the fishing industry for ten years as a professional rod builder and have had alot to do with the big game tournaments and big game anglers.I have built many fishing rods for the people who fish them,not just in Aus but also internationaly and i know first hand what happens to these animals when they are finshed with them,as iam talking to these people on a regular basis and recieve a lot of feedback about all the going's on of the sport.

Then you would know about Julian and his ongoing research into gamefish as he travels the world and spends many weekends taking fish samples and even whole fish for his studies. I do not deny what a lot of ppl do and whether it is right or wrong is in the eye of the beholder. I don't like killing these animals for fun, I have not fished in the game industry for a few yrs now and this is the main reason. I am also a big supporter of T&R.

If you build game rods as such and deal with all these ppl then you would also know that the majority of fish "captures" these days is T&R. Even Toyota sponsor T&R only tournaments along with Lexus and a few others.
all this talk ois making me hungry....can we go fishing yet?
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