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In the bush........There free
By the way inkslinger, who said that hypo bredli's are a passed fad ???
Ahhhh thats right, You said it, so it has to be true !!

The demand has dropped heaps to what they were when they first hit the market.

Any one tell you sarcasm is the lowest form of whit do your homework look at the stats but thats about what one would expect from a poacher
I see Reedy has a wild caught Antaresia childreni at $220?

Thats no cheaper than captive bred, so i still dont think your previous post that
low cost is a motivation for buying wild caught animals is at all really true.
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The demand has dropped heaps to what they were when they first hit the market.

Any one tell you sarcasm is the lowest form of whit do your homework look at the stats but thats about what one would expect from a poacher

Lowest form hey, well got to start somewhere.
Can you please define " poacher ".
I like to know how this relates to me.
no offence Ink, but im against you on this one...Also no need for the name calling...
No I havn't line bred if that's what your asking. I find it comical you think cross-breeding is desirable but pure bred morphs should be culled, when there has been no hard evidence provided that there is even any problems related to albino snakes in Aus. All you did was copy and paste albino problems related to humans, I suppose they should all be culled as well.

This should make it easy for you scanned from one of my text books


(Mating of closely related individuals)
Produces uniform or predictable offspring.
Hidden (recessive) genes show up and can be eliminated.
Individuals will "breed true" and are "pure."
Doubles up good genes.
Eliminates unwanted traits.

Doubles up on faults and weaknesses.
Progressive loss of vigor and immune response.
Increased reproductive failures, fewer offspring.
Emphasis on appearance means accidental loss of "good" genes for other attributes.
Genetically impoverished individuals.

(Mating of less closely related individuals)
Avoid inbreeding of very closely-related animals, but animals are still "pure".
Produces uniform or predictable offspring.
Slows genetic impoverishment.

Require excellent individuals.
Does not halt genetic impoverishment, only slows it down.

OUTCROSSING (Mating of unrelated individuals within the same breed)
Brings in new qualities or reintroduces lost qualities.
Increases vigor.
Animals are still "pure".

Less consistency and predictability of offspring.
May have to breed out unwanted genes accidentally introduced at same time.
May be hard to find individuals which are true outcrosses.

HYBRIDIZATION (Mating of unrelated individuals of different breeds)
Brings in new qualities or reintroduces lost qualities.
Increases vigor, may improve immune system and reproductive capacity.
Introduces totally new traits e.g. color.
May result in new breeds.
The offspring are considered "impure" for many generations.

Unpredictable - new traits may not all be desirable.
Must choose outcross breed whose qualities complement or match own breed
May take years to eliminate unwanted traits/loss of type.
May take years to get consistent offspring.
Produces many variants not suitable for use in breeding program.
Lowest form hey, well got to start somewhere.
Can you please define " poacher ".
I like to know how this relates to me.

In the bush........There free your words

Noun1.poacher - someone who hunts or fishes illegally on the property of another - someone who takes for his or her own use (especially without permission)
In this instance I meant the second meaning
he never once said HE/SHE was taking them from the bush...Just simply made a statement...
he never once said HE/SHE was taking them from the bush...Just simply made a statement...

Was sarcasm you know that low form of whit you can put your shinning Armour away now I am sure he can hold his own;)

Some would see this as a debate He has taken the pro and I the con dont be so sensitive
Not being sensitive at all, just saying that no one else has to revert to calling people poachers and implying that others are stupid, so why are you???
from what i undertand the law concerning it is a real big grey area meant to discourge but leaves a huge loop hole for "accidnets". the controling agency probably wants to discourage it since they would be a real grey area to categorise and lisence.
Where did I say he was stupid in fact I just said he was more than capable of holding his own, and how I choose to interrupt his words is up to me Signature born to fish hunt and have to work its free in the bush LOL

By the way I also fish and hunt and love ifact just got back from 10 days fishing living off the land;

Hey we are all entitled to our opinions thats what I love about this country but, yours is of no consequence to me
You say that ppl have and are entitled to there opinions, and when someone expressed there opinion, you said this???

It is better to be thought stupid than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.

That is not meant to imply that someone is stupid for openeing there mouth???
By the way I also fish and hunt quote]

But do you have a bumper sticker that reads I fish and i vote? lol :)

Not quite but took the 13 year old daughter and her girlfriend who and never been out of the city let alone bush she caught 5 fish the first day Cat fish Redfin and a under size murray cod we had to throw back.. Mind you though she is real wary about the Kangawallafoxes that get around up there:D
You say that ppl have and are entitled to there opinions, and when someone expressed there opinion, you said this???

That is not meant to imply that someone is stupid for openeing there mouth???

Got you there:lol::lol:
Just a few peals of wisdom was not directed at anyone in particular didn't mention anyones name dropped it in at the end like a signature, every one else seem to be jumping to the wron conclusion, but heh its all in good fun
from what i am told it is not illegal, but realy why would you want to, eg olive x bhp
NT and Reedys Reptiles
Isn't telling someone where to get cheap caught animals the same as being a poacher...
Read your first post again ink as you seem to have changed your arguments a bit just to have a fight with someone.

The only culling (killing) should be those humans hurting animals should be culled........All animals have just as much right as humans ( also part of the animal kingdom) we are mamals you know not something special.............

What do you expect snakes to do when they have to migrate to a common area because the biggest destuctive animals (humans) build a house on top of another animals home.
They move to a common area and either die out or survive by living in co-operation with another species of snake.
Judging by the emails I get and a mate gets regarding his hypo Bredli they are just about at their height of popularity I would say.

By the way inkslinger, who said that hypo bredli's are a passed fad ???
Ahhhh thats right, You said it, so it has to be true !!
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