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Judging by the emails I get and a mate gets regarding his hypo Bredli they are just about at their height of popularity I would say.

I totally agree boa.
I have a pair ready to go next year [ ogrady / sxr ]
Also getting a pair from a mate who's got a full waiting list happening.
Hate to see if they were popular.......;)
When did hypo bredli die in popularity? Before about 2001 I could buy them for $100 each. Until about 2003 I could buy them for about $350 each. Now they'll sell like hot cakes at $500 each. I'm probably the biggest bredli hater in the reptile world, but even I won't deny they're as popular as ever and if anything the demand is growing.

Albinos and other morphs a 'fad'? Aren't fads defined by declining in popularity? Don't hold your breath on this one going away any time before your great grandchildren die!

Inbreeding can cause problems in some cases, but in others it doesn't. Reptiles are among the most resistant of all vertebrates to inbreeding depression, and in most reptile cases, the problems associated with outbreeding are worse. Yes, there are some exceptions, but unless you know exactly what you're doing, inbreed rather than outbreed. Having said that, it's a lost cause anyway, people are going to breed whatever they like with whatever they like, create genetic soup, and all history will be lost.

Interestingly, cross breeding animals and plants often causes severe problems. In the first generation they are usually as strong as the parents, sometimes stronger, but if they breed with either parental species, or other hybrids, the offspring are most often less strong than either of the original species, often with severe problems.
from what i am told it is not illegal, but realy why would you want to, eg olive x bhp
just a thought but we use a certain type of enzime from a deadly venom from snakes in heart medication. Wouldn't it be good if there was an accident that changed the venom in a snake slightly, but just enough to give us more breakthroughs with medicine such as a cure for cancer or aids.........not impossible maybe improbable but not impossible........
We will never know because everyone seems to put people down as soon as they know 2 species have been crossed...........................seems strange that a species that thinks so highly of itself would not look at something like this as a mistake and an opertunity to learn something new, instead we have people saying they should be killed..............wonderful future our kids have to look forward to isn't progress unless we invent or reverse engineer it.................................that's what evolution is all about.:)
just a thought but we use a certain type of enzime from a deadly venom from snakes in heart medication. Wouldn't it be good if there was an accident that changed the venom in a snake slightly, but just enough to give us more breakthroughs with medicine such as a cure for cancer or aids.........not impossible maybe improbable but not impossible........
We will never know because everyone seems to put people down as soon as they know 2 species have been crossed...........................seems strange that a species that thinks so highly of itself would not look at something like this as a mistake and an opertunity to learn something new, instead we have people saying they should be killed..............wonderful future our kids have to look forward to isn't progress unless we invent or reverse engineer it.................................that's what evolution is all about.:)

Crossing species doesn't create animals which produce new enzymes, it produces animals which produce enzymes which both original species made. No new genes or alleles are created, they're just put into a new combination, which is unnatural, less functional, and more difficult to study. Having said that, in the first generation the hybrids can do what two different species can do, which is why they're sometimes stronger. In the next generation, they can do bits and pieces of what each parental species can do, but they can't do all of what either of the original species used to do, which is why they're usually less strong or completely inviable.
Isn't telling someone where to get cheap caught animals the same as being a poacher...
Read your first post again ink as you seem to have changed your arguments a bit just to have a fight with someone.

The only culling (killing) should be those humans hurting animals should be culled........All animals have just as much right as humans ( also part of the animal kingdom) we are mamals you know not something special.............

What do you expect snakes to do when they have to migrate to a common area because the biggest destuctive animals (humans) build a house on top of another animals home.
They move to a common area and either die out or survive by living in co-operation with another species of snake.

The animals are taken legally under license issued by the NT

I take great offense at being referred to as a poacher my comment was tongue in cheek as the person I made the reference to knew.

How dare you explain the rights of animals to me I am a wildlife warrior member, carer and volunteer as well as looking after my own,
Yeah - i had a guinea pig once - stupid whiney thing... we never named it - it was just sort of.. "pig" until it died...

Anyway, so if it were to happen - and you were selling hybrid snakes - there's no way really that anyone can prove it *wasn't* an accident - and no one seems to care anyway? You can't really be punished...

That just doesn't seem cool....

Maybe not in QLD the reptile laws differ from state to to in Victoria you could loose your licence and be fined as well as have your reptiles confiscated.
where can i get a copy of the laws? i had no idea it was illegal to house two snakes together in vic.

Why would they want to ban breeding albino's?
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