first of all this happened...
Boris stargazing - YouTube
then I started hearing him click when he breathed... not a good sign.. rang the vets and they want nothing to do with me. Like holidays are more important.
I googled this problem, and found many posts on 'steaming' snakes with eucalyptus oil and vicks to cure the clicking breaths. so I did it, the clicks are not as loud but still there. My lil friend is sick and I can't get a vet :-( i rang many, as soon as I said snake the girl on the phone asked me to repeat myself and then said they would call me back, not one did. even the innersouth vet with the listed reptile vet on this site did not call me back.
what do I do?
Boris stargazing - YouTube
then I started hearing him click when he breathed... not a good sign.. rang the vets and they want nothing to do with me. Like holidays are more important.
I googled this problem, and found many posts on 'steaming' snakes with eucalyptus oil and vicks to cure the clicking breaths. so I did it, the clicks are not as loud but still there. My lil friend is sick and I can't get a vet :-( i rang many, as soon as I said snake the girl on the phone asked me to repeat myself and then said they would call me back, not one did. even the innersouth vet with the listed reptile vet on this site did not call me back.
what do I do?