I agree that photo competitions are far too open to bias and subjection in judging, and it's basically a way of saying that a good photographer is going to be given a free snake. Having a completely random system doesn't seem like a great idea, it isn't as fun, there is no challenge, it's just a free raffle. The winner should have to work for their prize.
I certainly didn't have a lot of time on my hands during most of the last competition, I was an honours student during most of it (the most intense and stressful year of my life!). It is not just good fortune or luck if you know the answers to questions - a broad range of knowledge comes from years of hard work, and if someone is rewarded for that, good! Alternatively, if someone has the time to spend doing lots of research and learning while playing the game, it's great if they're rewarded for that too. If it's a combination of putting in the time, having good general knowledge and being savvy in the use of whatever tricks are available, great, surely that person deserves to win more than the person who simply said "Oh, a competition, I suppose I'll put my name down".
I think it would be good if answering the questions was not possible simply by doing hours upon hours of mindless google image searching until you find the right one, so plucking pictures from the internet should definately be avoided if picture identification is going to be part of the game. There are some little tricks which often enable people to determine who the photographer is, along with other useful information, which can often make it very easy to determine what the picture is of (not looking at anyone in particular here, Slateman! ).
Looking forward to watching what is sure to be a fun game, without the feelings of guilt caused by knowing that I'm preventing anyone else from winning
Ha ha Sadji you did not get the coper brush picture right last time.