Active Member
Why thankyou lewy!So well said Oddball!
And aussie1, cats kept properly and trained do not kill wildlife.
But you would rather take away the laws protecting further damage to our wildlife, because existing laws allow it?
I would think that the logical solution would be to put similar laws in place for the ownership of domestic animals as there are with reptiles.
Licensing would reduce the "impulse buy" aspect of cute kittens and puppies, most of the ones which are let go to become feral or neglected so they must catch their own food.
In some states keeping vens requires specific set up, like locked enclosures. If you had similar requirements for the keeping of cats, saying that they must be kept indoors or in an avery at all times, it would lower the risk of damage to our wildlife from people who can't train their animals.
We trained our house cats to not catch birds, to not catch lizards, but to only catch mice and locusts. It works. If a cat is inteligent enough to learn how to use a toilet, it is inteligent enough to distinguish between prey.
But we digress. We can't get rid of common domestic pets in Australia. They are here to stay, almost every family has one, and I for one won't allow any of my pets to be destroyed.
But we can learn from our mistakes and stop the same situation from happening with exotic reptiles.