Importing Reptiles to WA

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Not so new Member
Oct 23, 2007
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Can someone please explain to me why WA is so backwards with everything reptiles. I love WA as a whole but I think CALM are set on making things difficult for the hobbiest that only wants to have a basic collection.
We are behind in EVERYTHING!!
We can Import everything that is on our keepers list except Pythons.
WAHS has finally got through to CALM (now DEC) and we will have changes happen around March that will make the system a little bit easier, the import/export costs will stay the same though.
Because apparently anyone who keeps reptiles in WA is a criminal. And reptiles are the currency of criminals. You might want to check out a thread on the pilbarapythons forum called DEC inspections and the keepers gripes.
On the bright side, at least the keeping of certain WA species within WA is now lawful. You guys can keep SW carpets, they are some of the nicest looking pythons the country has to offer IMO. They are hard to get over east.

To those of you who didn't know, until several years ago the keeping of reptiles as pets in WA was against the law. The total prohibition approach to amateur herpetology back then was a national disgrace.
Thats correct ozziepythons and we are greatful to people like Pythoninfintie (Jamie), Adderboy (Simon) and other members of the then WASAH who arent on APS. They spent almost a decade fighting for the right to keep reptils as pets in WA.
The fight for a better system is far from over and people are starting to get more involved in seeing some change
over here.
Niall what are the changes that are happening in March??

If things go well there will be some animals moved down a class. There will hopefully be some changes to returns to make the system easier. And at most we may see up to 4 or 5 animals added to the list
If things go well there will be some animals moved down a class. There will hopefully be some changes to returns to make the system easier. And at most we may see up to 4 or 5 animals added to the list

Goodluck with that, you guys deserve better.
Cheers OP... I'm really hoping we see boiga irregularis irregularis added or Morelia carinata. Still not holding my breath....
I strongly believe you guys should be able to keep Morelia carinata, their your indigenous fauna after all!!!!
I'm sure oneday we will. Thanks to JW, they are now proven as a suitable captive python that will readily breed under the right conditions. There are at least 4 in zoo's and reptile parks in WA already so there would be no need to collect from the wild if that is DEC's main argument.... If they add them to the list, private keepers may have the oppurtunity to have a RSP with in a year or two. (I'll probably have to wait till the price becomes a little more reasonable.)
Snowman sent me a link to some correspondence from the Minister in WA where she said that a part of the reassessment being undertaken by DEC is to look at costs... my bet is that they will increase the overall costs for keepers in WA, since they want the system to be based on a full cost recovery.

Its all about the tax 2 fill there pockets with more of our hard earned cash thay dont give a damm about the reptiles we all know that.
Hang in there guys u'll have ur day & once its upon u go sick mate.
Snowman sent me a link to some correspondence from the Minister in WA where she said that a part of the reassessment being undertaken by DEC is to look at costs... my bet is that they will increase the overall costs for keepers in WA, since they want the system to be based on a full cost recovery.


And it's already the most expensive licensing in the country. I have a Category 5 license, which costs $300 per year. If I breed and move on progeny of two or more snakes, another $1,000 to DEC. If I want to buy a wild-caught Cat5 animal from a dealer, there is $200 royalty before the dealer's costs and profit come into it, etc, etc. One of the most disgraceful charges is if I want to import an elapid I have to pay DEC $100 per animal! Why? What have they got to do with it?

So yes, we have a licensing system, and by golly we're going to pay for it!
We are behind in EVERYTHING!!
We can Import everything that is on our keepers list except Pythons.

so we cant by any pythons from say snake ranch?

(i have not read on any of the import/export laws for WA as i have not yet had to do it)
i have come from nsw and kept reptiles for many years ( my first actuall licence was the 97 amnesty) i have been lucky enough to keep a vast variety of reptiles.

This was untill i moved to WA and to be honest the ****** fight that is WA law at the moment i cant even comprehend!!

It is alot easier for me just to do snake relocation callouts to get my reptile fix ( plus the fact i find pythons in girls underware draws)

the only thing that makes me want to get a WA licence is A.wellsi

lets hope we can catch up with the eastern staes without being sent broke in the process

How much does it cost someone from WA to import a gecko from the Eastern states?
Import Licence.

A Import Licence costs $30 then you will need to pay the following, depending on what Category the animal is on.

$10 for each category 2 animal.
$25 for each category 3 animal.
$50 for each category 4 animal.
100 for each category 5 animal.
so we cant by any pythons from say snake ranch?

(i have not read on any of the import/export laws for WA as i have not yet had to do it)

No, you can not import ANY python at all. The reason given by DEC is the supposed risk of importing IBD along with it. There is a slight risk, yes, but in my opinion, EVERY keeper should put all news animals through a quarantine regime when they first get them. Keeper beware. I have no idea why DEC are standing by this ridiculous ban, but until it's dropped, you won't get any pythons from anywhere outside WA.
Like snowman has said.

If all goes well there will be a few changes.

* Hopefully a few animals added to the list.
* Animals being moved to different Categories.
* 3 monthly returns to go to a annual return.
* DEC finally promoting Captive breeding letting you breed however much you want on cat1 and cat2, then 2 clutches per species on cat3 and 1 clutch per specie on cat4 and 5.

There will still be a big NO to Import Pythons into WA.
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