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Ok Rina..I have relised where I have gone wrong and will not do something like this again in the future unless permission is granted. I hope I did not offend you or Shane in anyway and I hope you keep sharing your information with me.

Cheers, Belle.
lol, Rina. Please continue to contribute to APS, there are a lot of eager ears out here that do appreciate experienced, informed advice and comments.
Newbies take a while to learn protocols and ettiquetes, as Experience herps can sound jaded and patronizing- sometimes the balance gets rocked.
Herps are the real reason we are here, lets get back to them. I hope to benefit from your experience some day.
interesting email.

um hi ad..dont take offence mate but i think ya missed a couple of points..

shane was a member before this thread started. the pic was sent in responce to statments in another thread. was actually to highlight that there are 100s of people through out australia that work with these animals on a daily basis and while not jumping around infront of a t.v camera in a staged doco, it dosent mean that they know any less than somebody that does..

lol i can tell you it had very little do do with chest beating and if you knew shane at all you would know he is a very unasuming person. that being one of the reasons his pics are a private deal to him and he didnt just put the pic in the origanal thread himself.
Reptiles is all about public education and as far as i know the whole thing revolved around giving another person more details to add to there own view.

just some thoughts.
cheers paul.
and as far as i know the whole thing revolved around giving another person more details to add to there own view.

I know...But the actual email, as Ad pointed out had no information in it What-so-ever.
Hi Rina. To add my bit to your bitter post. I have no idea what is that big problem here really. What i understand from all of this is that Fully mature adults is publicly upset with young teenage girl which i think did not meant any harm and made mistake which she repeatedly apologized for. I personally do not take to much notice to e-mails forwarded to me and another 30 people with out additional comment to me personally. I would not hesitate to put this picture to this forum my self in same situation and i would have no idea i am doing anything wrong. If that would happened to me instead of Belinda i would be in the trouble my self and i would be the one who apologize to you.
Rina (Shane) if you are mature adult and head wildlife keeper who run an award winning wildlife park. I am sure that you can be big enough not to get upset with teenage kids around you.
Another thing, I would recommend people to not send this type of high sensitive and confidential pictures of crocodiles around that way. Things like this can happen easy, and i am sure that in this case that happened by accident.
I personally do not understand what is so sensitive about the picture, but i am not the expert in that area.
I posted this to calm things down, and i hope that people involved do not get upset and make to much fuss from that little misunderstanding.
Greetings from Shane.
As my system has been temporily down I had been using Rina's computer.

Well, well, well, I was wondering as to how long the comparision's to Steve Irwin would take.
Good one Ad - like I don't hear that at least 3000 times a week from tourists. I am jealous of one thing in regards to Steve Irwin, his finances! His reputation, no thank-you! This is why I did not post this picture on the forum because of unoriginal comparisions such as yours.

As per your suggestive overtones questioning my motivation in sending Belinda this photo. I have 4 beautiful children so unlike you I can not comprehend your train of thought. I am sure there are alternative sites to accomodate that part of your mind.

As for choosing this particular photo, as my leopard print G-string was in the wash that particular day, I felt that this was the next appropriate outfit in my role as a wildlife keeper having a photo taken with a croc.

In respect to how good I am, get to know me mate and then form an opinion.

Happy to chat to you and anyone else about herps until the cows come home.

Cheers Shane.
And you think I'M THE KID? I have apologised over and over again for my mistake and your still going on about it! Look Shane, I have told you over and over and over again I have done something wrong and I have taken responsibilty for my actions and apologised to both you AND rina...So in this case, your the Kid and I think it's really sad that your continueing on this and winging....
Like I said Belle, send em some tissues.
the new ones with aloe vera so they dont get chaffed noses. :lol:
Ok, guys and gals! Enough's enough! It's been a very entertaining thread, and a little sad in some ways too. I think it's reached the stage where we can close off this discussion, don't you think? Let's get back to what the site's supposed to be about - sharing information about the hobby/vocation we love - herps.
Personally I'd hate this site to become like so many others, where you have to be SO careful about what you say in case you get flamed! Remember : it's really easy to misinterpret people's intentions/meanings on a web site. What works for me is, when posting an article, read it over with the viewpoint of "could someone misinterpret this?" and when receiving emails or reading posts, have the attitude of, "Is this person attacking me or am I perhaps being a bit paranoid, and maybe they meant something else entirely!" - sort of like defensive driving! :)
Please try to remember that there are a lot of people who don't know very much about herps (like me) and a lot of people who have a great deal of knowledge. Together we can share the knowledge and all become more "enlightened" about our interest - hopefully in a friendly way - newbies and "old hands" alike. ok? Please? huh? Pretty please?
We agree with lutzd about the direction that those of us who have a genuine interest in herps wish this forum to head in.
Just a word of advice Belinda since you are eager in sharing, maybe you could have shared publicly the fact that Shane e-mailed you individually extending the olive branch for any misunderstandings on both behalves. Amazingly within hours, youv'e chosen to continue the triviality with petty insults. Good on ya though Parko - good to see the age of chivalry isn't dead with you. As for donations free reptiles accepted by both of us but you may keep the tissues.

Anyway this is boring now and we along with everyone else would prefer to quit this now and move on so let's put this down as having been fun and let's not do it anymore.

Cheers Rina & Shane.
I agree Rina and Shane. No point to hate each other for little things. Thanks for understanding.
hmmm anyway.....welcome to the site Shane and Rina!!! I think its great to have some more keepers that are really experienced!
Still getting the hang of the quote function on this forum, so in case anyone is confused my last post was in response to comments made by David.
David's quote begins with Steve Irwin to try.....
Still getting the hang of the quote function on this forum, so in case anyone is confused my last post was in response to comments made by David.
David's quote begins with Steve Irwin to try.....
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