I got my new Bredli python hatchling a few days ago, they are about 6 months old at the moment and I haven't fed them yet, I'm not quite sure when they last ate but I was told to give them a week to settle in before feeding.
My main concern is that he hasn't used his hides yet. I was worried they might be a bit big, so I decided to put a smaller one in his enclosure, still waiting to see if he uses it. During the daytime he sleeps in this little gap between his rock background and the top of the enclosure but at night he really likes to explore and coast around the edges. Doesn't seem to like to touch the ground a lot. He seems to really want to get out.
His enclosure is about 60cm H, 40cm wide, and 40cm high. I maintain a constant 30 degrees temp throughout the day and night. In the day this is maintained with a heat lamp, and at night this temperature is maintained through a heat mat alone that covers about 1/3 of his enclosure so I assume the air of the enclosure is probably cooler at night, haven't done any testing for the cool side yet. Does he have a slight preference for the warm side? he always hides on the warm side during the day.
Here's a little picture of him sleeping during the day for a visual! he doesn't move from here when its light out.
My main concern is that he hasn't used his hides yet. I was worried they might be a bit big, so I decided to put a smaller one in his enclosure, still waiting to see if he uses it. During the daytime he sleeps in this little gap between his rock background and the top of the enclosure but at night he really likes to explore and coast around the edges. Doesn't seem to like to touch the ground a lot. He seems to really want to get out.
His enclosure is about 60cm H, 40cm wide, and 40cm high. I maintain a constant 30 degrees temp throughout the day and night. In the day this is maintained with a heat lamp, and at night this temperature is maintained through a heat mat alone that covers about 1/3 of his enclosure so I assume the air of the enclosure is probably cooler at night, haven't done any testing for the cool side yet. Does he have a slight preference for the warm side? he always hides on the warm side during the day.
Here's a little picture of him sleeping during the day for a visual! he doesn't move from here when its light out.