Not at all, I think you misunderstood my point. I wasn't questioning the skill of the breeder or casting any aspersions on your reputation or otherwise! I was suggesting that from the customer's point of view, there is an element of due diligence that should be undertaken before making a purchase from someone they have no real knowledge of.
If, as a consumer, you are buying from large, established organisation with a good reputation such as Snake Ranch, then you would expect to get exactly what you purchase (ie a breeding pair) or to have some kind of cast-iron returns policy on errors such as this. They have too much invested to make big mistakes like this and it's in their interest to keep customers happy as they rely heavily on word of mouth.
A small-scale breeder who has no name or reputation to maintain on the other hand, has no real disincentive to defrauding customers as they probably only have a couple of dozen customers a year at most and don't rely heavily on repeat business.