is this male combat?

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Isn't there some element of caveat emptor here? When buying from a small scale breeder (rather than an established, reputable breeder/company) and purchasing something like a breeding pair, wouldn't standard advice be to get them probed before or immediately after purchase?
Isn't there some element of caveat emptor here? When buying from a small scale breeder (rather than an established, reputable breeder/company) and purchasing something like a breeding pair, wouldn't standard advice be to get them probed before or immediately after purchase?

Are you saying that seeing as I'm not a reputable breeder I'm unable to sex snakes and anyone buying something from me should get it sexed quick smart by a incompetant vet?

I think if he sexed them himself he knew the sexes and sold them as m/f even if they are m/m it's hard to get an adult wrong.
Are you saying that seeing as I'm not a reputable breeder I'm unable to sex snakes and anyone buying something from me should get it sexed quick smart by a incompetant vet?

I think if he sexed them himself he knew the sexes and sold them as m/f even if they are m/m it's hard to get an adult wrong.

Not at all, I think you misunderstood my point. I wasn't questioning the skill of the breeder or casting any aspersions on your reputation or otherwise! I was suggesting that from the customer's point of view, there is an element of due diligence that should be undertaken before making a purchase from someone they have no real knowledge of.

If, as a consumer, you are buying from large, established organisation with a good reputation such as Snake Ranch, then you would expect to get exactly what you purchase (ie a breeding pair) or to have some kind of cast-iron returns policy on errors such as this. They have too much invested to make big mistakes like this and it's in their interest to keep customers happy as they rely heavily on word of mouth.

A small-scale breeder who has no name or reputation to maintain on the other hand, has no real disincentive to defrauding customers as they probably only have a couple of dozen customers a year at most and don't rely heavily on repeat business.
Not at all, I think you misunderstood my point. I wasn't questioning the skill of the breeder or casting any aspersions on your reputation or otherwise! I was suggesting that from the customer's point of view, there is an element of due diligence that should be undertaken before making a purchase from someone they have no real knowledge of.

If, as a consumer, you are buying from large, established organisation with a good reputation such as Snake Ranch, then you would expect to get exactly what you purchase (ie a breeding pair) or to have some kind of cast-iron returns policy on errors such as this. They have too much invested to make big mistakes like this and it's in their interest to keep customers happy as they rely heavily on word of mouth.

A small-scale breeder who has no name or reputation to maintain on the other hand, has no real disincentive to defrauding customers as they probably only have a couple of dozen customers a year at most and don't rely heavily on repeat business.

Jessb Im going to have to say I dont agree with you on this, It is very easy for any one to make a mistake, exspecially with hatchlings, wether Im buying off joe bloe or snake ranch I still probe my animals when I buy them, Snake ranch would probe hundreds a year as if they wouldnt get it wrong sometimes.

well the only thing i can think of. when i was looking at them he said he had started cooling them so some one could buy them as a breeding pair but i dont hav it in writeing or anything like that to prove he really said it. is there any thing else i can do?? as i said there back together and are fine still like the pic i posted. so fingers crossed they really are male and female.
Missing my point again guys - I'm talking about this from the consumers point of view - nothing to do with the skill of the breeder in a large organisation vs small scale operation.

I'm saying that any breeders may get it wrong occasionally, so as a consumer it is your obligation to ensure that you either get the sexing done independently before or immediately after purchase, or have some kind of guarantee (which is more likely and easier to follow up with a big organisation than a small-scale operation)
Sexing snakes is not an exact science. I have recieved many snakes from reputable greeder which have been wrongly sexed. Young snake in particular can probe females but may probe males as they develop. I have kept "pairs" of snakes for my own use as breeders only to find down the track that the sex is wrong.
Popping males is accurate although I think there is a real risk of damage if too much pressure is applied. The obvious solution is to sell one of the males and replace it with a female, no big deal.Save your energies for something important.
best just to get them probed again. it doesn't cost much and will save you a lot of time and energy. the guy told you they had been probed twice but one he could be lying, or two there could have been a mistake.
my friends put two coastals in together that had been probed as a pair and nothing happened. turned out it was 2 females as there was a mistake when probing.
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