Is this normal behaviour? Bearded Dragon

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2008
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VIC - Metro
Hi all,

As many of you know I have a baby beardie.

He usually basks as per normal etc, but lately I see him in this spot (pic) but with his whole body including head flat down. He is always a little darker in colour in this position.

He eats well, is alert and also does bask, he just shed (completed) and he is growing pretty rapidly.

Here are some information regarding temps etc:

Basking Temp: 38-40C
Cool End: 23-25C
UV Light: Repti Glo 10% 24" Tube
Diet: Small Woodies and Veg

Size: 170mm
Weight: 14g
Age: 13-14 weeks

See pics one is when basking the other is the concerned position.


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a bright and alert, healthy dragon will have their head lifted, occasionally upright whilst basking.

keep him hydrated, it may have been some cool nights recently. but if he's not up and normal, or stops eating in the next few days. swing by me again.
hi jibba i had one for 5 years .try changing the position of things around in the tank .it happens they become used to there enviroment ive heard that if they go darker it can be stress from to mutch heat or birds or somthing, im not saying that is it but tri moving stuff and lifting the light up might be a bit to direct or lower wattage so you still get the same temp
He's trying to hump the ground! lol JJ mate, good luck with finding out the problem!
I forgot to mention that he seems bright and alert in the before and after his 7am feed. My lights don't go off until 9pm. He seems to be like this when I get home from work about 5-6pm. Could it be that he is relaxing? I then feed him again at 6pm then he basks, an hour later he is on the branch again in that position.


Will keep him well hydrated (already do). But definately will let you know.


I will re-arrange his enclosure, I was thinking he may be getting a little to big for the small basking rock ontop of the tile?? Either way I will change it.

Stay tuned.
Guys, I re-arranged his enclosure setting. Gave him a warm bath after a nice feed of dusted woodies..

And he is doing the same thing again...

He did poop and it looked normal, actually looked very good as per usual.

I am confused, is he stressed out?? Temps seem fine etc...

A little worried for little Shingles..
After carefully kkeping an eye on him all day (weekends, gotta love em) he may well be chilling.

He ate 3 times, defecated normal, basked in his outdoor UV enclosure (mesh), basked in his enclosure, but here and then gets to the "Humping" position.

As per normal, I will keep an eye out for any changes in diet etc..

my eastern is like that she is active all day but if u have the lights turn off at 9 pm everyday i think they might no so the just get ready to sleep its like u get home from and ya buggerd they are just buggerd i guess but im still a beginner and myne eastern beardie is ok
bulionz, just noticed yours is doing the same in your avatar pic. :)

Yeah that also came to mind, that he may be tired and relaxing. Who knows..

As long as he eats and continues to grow, which he is in a rapid rate:

about 5mm every 2 days.

Measured on 16/02 @ 160mm
Measured on 22/02 @ 175mm

Normal, I think yours is but not sure about mine. He's a little spaz, he has been sleeping with a cricket on his neck for the last few hours.:lol:
if hes doing the same as whats in his avatar, its just sleeping......... they need nanna naps too ;)
Normal, I think yours is but not sure about mine. He's a little spaz, he has been sleeping with a cricket on his neck for the last few hours.:lol:

Hey the crix can turn on him at night and really stress him out and even nibble on him.
yeah, in the end I removed the cricket. but took a pics first, it was just too funny.

In the end I removed the cricket. Found it funny so took a pic first.

Just keep an eye on him. I had a beardie that was really sleepy and stuff and he sadly died, so just keep an eye on him if you're worried take him to a vet!
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