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Active Member
Feb 8, 2012
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Geelong, VIC
Im getting my spotted python tomorrow, just a question.. I have the tank for it, its 118cm long, 50cm deep and 38cm hgih, can i put the snake in it straght away. its 7 weeks old, i will have lots and lots of hides in both ends of the tank and i use gum tree braches with lots of leaves to make it look really bushy kind of thing.. it will have lots of places to hide etc. is this okay? or should i keep it in a click clack for a week or so until its settled down a bit.
TOOO BIG. it will get very aggro from being in a huge space and it will be easy to lose. By a smaller container and let it grow into that for a while. I let my hatchies live in a click clack for about a year or until they stretch the length of the home, then i upgrade them but not too big
it would be easier to keep it in a click clack and have the tank for future. even in a 2 ft (60cm) my spotted was very cage defensive
I'm not sure that I completely buy the cage defensive arguement (when snakes are put in enclosures that are too big) however I certainly agree that a click clack is the way to go with a hatchie, especially when it's a smaller species like a spotted python. You'd be amazed at their ability to escape. Click clacks are a good way to prevent escape attempts.
You should have met snappy tom as a hatchie! he was my first snake and I was inexperienced. He was feral in the two foot. Put him in a click clack in the same room.... completely diff snake.
I picked her up last night, she is amazing. only about 25cm long and the thickness of a pencil, i love her to bits. The names skittles :) although she hasnt eaten since 31/1 so i need to get a feed into her. she was born on 3/1 and has had 3 feeds of pinky mice to date. Im keeping her in a 2litre container from safeway, with a small water bowl, toilet paper roll and some ripped up newspaper as substrate. She only bit me twice when i first picked her up from the breeder, but that was it. even after a 2.5 hour car ride, i got her out at home for a few mins to show my sister and she seemed fairly happy just sitting in my hand. Very placid animal :)
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