It may jsut be me, but isn't it illegal to sell live grenades online?

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Mount Gambier, S.A
And anti-tank rounds, mortar rounds, Howitzer's?

It's illegal to own a butterfly knife but this site sells them for $10 each!









ordnanceordnanace0030.jpg Part of the Al Queida Network!
You'll probably find all the ordinance is inert.
As for the Balisong (Butterfly knives) c'mon, I've got nail clippers bigger than those. They're tiny little key rings. My biro could do more damage.
I cant load that site hope none of us are tarriest on this site.
and how do you find these sites.?
what are you looking for?
I was trying to find some WWI medals for sale, I think it's a disgrace that some of these medals are only going for $15, Also is a disgrace that war veterans are being stinged on their pension so they have to sell these medals.
Imagine if you risked you life for this country, and then the government stops paying you your pension, and all you have left is to sell the medals that you risked you life for... and you can only get $15 for them... total disgrace!
I was trying to find some WWI medals for sale, I think it's a disgrace that some of these medals are only going for $15, Also is a disgrace that war veterans are being stinged on their pension so they have to sell these medals.
Imagine if you risked you life for this country, and then the government stops paying you your pension, and all you have left is to sell the medals that you risked you life for... and you can only get $15 for them... total disgrace!
so true any one who has been to war should be looked after especially ww1 ww2 vietnam vets they are champion blokes if you just sit talk to them
This place operates from the gold coast war museum. They've got heaps of stuff illegal in most states like BB pistols, butterfly knives and replica firearms
all this stuff is quite legal, a butterfly knife on a keyring is not classed as a weapon (lol) and all the rounds are inactive.You can go into any army disposal and find bayonets and many other knives.
If you have a collectors licence you are able to obtain the real items.
I was trying to find some WWI medals for sale, I think it's a disgrace that some of these medals are only going for $15, Also is a disgrace that war veterans are being stinged on their pension so they have to sell these medals.
Imagine if you risked you life for this country, and then the government stops paying you your pension, and all you have left is to sell the medals that you risked you life for... and you can only get $15 for them... total disgrace!
If you find medals in your travels the idea i think is to try to find the original owners family and notify them and return them, they will be happy to pay the cost, I know if i could find my dads medals that were stolen years ago (before he died) i would pay to get them back.
I just want that gas mask for a) changing nappies and b) cleaning the snake enclosures. Also might keep a spare in the toilet.... Do they need cannisters for them?
The hyperlink in the original message doesn't work, that's why the site won't load, instead copy and paste the url into a new browwer and then you will be away.
hate to bust ya bubble mate but there not live, the grenade is a training fake(replica) and the tank shells and stuff do not have any powder in em
plus replicas are not illegal i will be obtaining one soon(beretta 9mm)
does any one know were to get bb guns from???????2 years ago if you asked the right little asian man nicely at a melbourne market , you could have a great time for the next month til it busted. now they just laugh and say "no,no,no...illegal,illegal".,,,,, but they have been illegal for years... probly not the greatest toy for a 4 year old. but come on australia its getting beyond a joke when an adult cant own a toy.
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