It may jsut be me, but isn't it illegal to sell live grenades online?

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hate to bust ya bubble mate but there not live, the grenade is a training fake(replica) and the tank shells and stuff do not have any powder in em

Oh damit, i already started planning a fishing trip ;)

plus replicas are not illegal i will be obtaining one soon(beretta 9mm)

They are usuallly covered by the same laws as the gun they are a replica of(could vary in dif. states), but you can still buy them in alot of shops, they would be great for practical jokes especially if they can fire blanks :lol:

Yes, but they are still illegal.
In qld they arnt illegal, but under the law that bans the full size ones it also makes boxcutters(with the break off blades) illegal.
does any one know were to get bb guns from???????2 years ago if you asked the right little asian man nicely at a melbourne market , you could have a great time for the next month til it busted. now they just laugh and say "no,no,no...illegal,illegal".,,,,, but they have been illegal for years... probly not the greatest toy for a 4 year old. but come on australia its getting beyond a joke when an adult cant own a toy.

Yeah the markets are the only place i have ever seen them for sale, generally they are legally seen the same as any other handgun that isnt fully auto.
those butterfly knifes are as long as your little finger i got one when i was younger there only keyring size. youll find all that stuff and been pulled apart and empied out
It is only illegal to sell the bayonets and larger knifes to under 18's (in NSW, don't know about other states) and all other ordnance must be inert.
all balisongs are illegal no matter the size... trust me on this

The following is a list of Prohibited weapons in Australia

1. A flick knife (or other similar device) that has a blade which opens automatically by gravity or centrifugal force or by any pressure applied to a button, spring or device in or attached to the handle of the knife.

6. A butterfly knife or "balisong" or any other device that consists of a single-edged or multi-edged blade or spike that fits within 2 handles attached to the blade or spike by transverse pivot pins and is capable of being opened by gravity or centrifugal force.

but if anyone finds any balisong pm me about them!
You can get BB guns on the net... You can get them on the site this thread is about I think.

I got one of the so called "bb" guns from that site a couple of years ago....what a POS
was not what i was expecting, I've had more fun with $2 cap guys from the new agents
Still have it In the box with a **** load of BB's, in mint condition Sales/BB Pistols.htm

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]due to firearms laws we are unable to import further stocks

hmmm maybe now I can make abit of money off it????

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