Well-Known Member
Are you really arguing that animals have not become extinct from land clearing that has been done so that the land can be farmed? Do i really need to find you a referenc e for that?
Ignore me. For some reason I thought you meant us farming something like cows, would lead to the extinction of cows.
Yes - I have no idea what I was thinking at the time.
Crop farming would also do the same thing though.
Slim6y, we can also claim the Japanese have no rights in Japan but that doesn't make it true... They are crying that we can't govern that water. In reality if we choose not to (govern it) then there is NO point proclaiming it as a sanctuary. I wouldn't support military action over this but rather trade sanctions. Though we probably rely on Japan more than they rely on us.
Coxy, thanks! I knew the fines were incredibly severe for hunting endangered sharks but wasn't sure of the exact fine.