Japan admits tsunami disaster funds to be used for whaling

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No Mate.

It's not about sustainable harvest with the Japanese. It also boils down to the fact that whale meat is now toxic and they are feeding it to their school kids in an effort to use all they catch. The majority of the population won't touch it and there are HUGE stockpiles of uneaten whalemeat.
The other aspect is that Sea Shepard are upholding the law. The Japanese are hunting whales in a internationally recognized sanctuary. It is poaching in an Australian National Park.
Enlightened Japanese wouldn't touch it with a 40 foot pole.

But I do agree on the cow thing!

Yeah, I get sick of those Green Peace and Sea Shepard campaigns about saveing the Japanese from poisoning themselves:rolleyes:

I do agree with the poaching comment though, its a internationally recognised sanctuary. The Australian Government needs to grow some balls.

Karmas a b!@#$ japan, on a whale related note, I was watching a doco called the cove, about the dolphin kill that happens every year. Turns out it is sold of as whale, making up around 70% of the 'whale' meat on the market actually dolphin. Test also found the vast majority of this dolphin meat contains something like 600 times the save level of mercury, so they are poisoning their own people. If you ask me they deserve all they get

think the cow comments are stupid, cows aren't an endangered species and doesn't take 20 years to reach sexual maturity

We criticise the Japanese for hunting protected and endangered animals and yet we do the same. Its legal for Australians to hunt and kill dugongs and sea turtles because it is a traditional practice. I don't see why we have one rule for us and another for the Japanese.

This sort of thing makes me sick. I thought they'd use it to help the downtrodden, those whose lives were destroyed through the massive flooding that occurred right after the tsunami, not to mention radiation sickness. It isn't fair at all.

Don't the coastal villagers, who rely on the whale meat industry and had there livelyhoods and homes destroyed in the Tsunami, get to use the funds to help them recover? Increased security on the whaling trips will result in increase work for those villages and people, allowing them to rebuild their lives that were destroyed. Therefore I see it as a reasonable use of the funds, its just that it is not a morally acceptable one by Australia's standards.
that post has now been removed .... I'm sorry but us mods can only get to things if we read them ourself or we are alerted to them ... and yes at times guys we are doing other things as well in our every day lives ....
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Very faulty logic there. While the whale is indeed a carnivore, what the baleen whales feed on is not and would produce around the same amount of methane per kilo as a cow. Mammalian conversion rate is about 10%, ie 10 kilos of the digestible parts become 1 kilo of whale. So a kilo of whale would have a methane cost of 10 times that of a cow.

HUH? WHAT? Previously you asked me if I've been drinking, I think its time to return the favor ;) Is there some magical method of transporting whale meat that doesn't apply to cow? If not, then transport costs would be appropriately the same per kilo per kilometre. And given that Antarctica is generally a lot further than a cow farm...

As for the Japanese behaviour I'm not surprised. As is SOP for nuclear accidents, the impact on the surrounds is greatly downplayed and the information released is minimal though some is tricking out. It appears that ocean contamination is making local Japanese seafood risky so it is only to be expected that they would look further afield and that the whaling industry would see this as a golden opportunity.

Not faulty logic at all. Even if i am wrong about the ammount of greenhouse gases produced by whale's digestive system compared to a cow (which i can't find research on) the greenhouse gases produced by a whale are part of the natural system. Ergo the environment has evolved to deal with it. The environment has not evolved to deal with widespread farming of cattle.

Yes i have been drinking! Cattle (aussie cattle anyway) are transported all around the world. They are mustered, driven in trucks, loaded onto ships, loaded back onto trucks, delivered to abbotoirs and then driven around on trucks again to be sold. Whales are hunted and butchered on the same ship, delivered to the docks, loaded onto trucks and delivered to market. Even if my logic is fatally flawed by drinking i doubt that the greenhouse emmissions from whale transport could be any higher per kilo than it is for cattle.
hmmm whale farts..The bubbles could probably sink a boat.
ABSOLUTELY deplorable, can not believe they would use the funds other countries have given them to help their people to get back on their feet I.E. rebuild town's on the coast, to fund 'whale research'. The arrogance of these people is unbelievable.The monies spent on 'whale research' could help thousands of their people in poverty from the tsunami get back on their feet ?????
Sorry but this does not make any sense to me at all... but JMO and im guessing thousands upon millions more !!!!

Good luck to Sea Shepard !!!!!!
hmmm whale farts..The bubbles could probably sink a boat.

Shouldn't they be channeling that money into rebuilding the dozen or so Landcruiser factories that got obliterated, so that everyone can have a new V8 turbo electronic diesel injected cruiser?
For christs sake, the wait on a new one is now months!
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