Jungle eggs incu time

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Very Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2006
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How long on ave do jungle eggs take to hatch @ 31c , I have read 50-55 days on alot of sites but just read 60-66 days , mine are on 65 days and look fine ( they started to dent last week) ugh!
That seems long. Mine hatched on Day 55 @ average 31.5 deg.

Oh ok, See how u go tonight.... hope everything goes well!
Have you candled them lately mate? If i was Just Pip one egg although allow the snake to come out at its own time, see how it goes.
Have you candled them lately mate? If i was Just Pip one egg although allow the snake to come out at its own time, see how it goes.

Haven't candled them - will looky tonight I have piped eggs before so wont kill any :D

Had a clutch of Darwins go 68 days this year , l had given up on them . Then 100% hatch .

Good to know , thanks for that. I am sure they will hatch its just weird I have had a few cluchs of spotteds hatch on day 44 this season but over 60 days for the jungles is geting a bit old , haha

ok day 69 and they is pipin...
69 days at 31-31.5 seem hell of a long time , but YAY.
Have you got a calibrated thermometer to check your temps. At 31.5 they should hatch at about 58 days. Late means cool temps.
Have you got a calibrated thermometer to check your temps. At 31.5 they should hatch at about 58 days. Late means cool temps.

yup i have checked and rechecked and the room is heated to around 30c most of the time as well atm , even at night.
I have had other cluchs in at the same time ( 2 cluchs of spotteds hatching at 44 days each cluch) and a far few geckos hatching on time.

Normally when carpet hatch in that time temps are usually around 29.5. That is why I have had all of my thermometers calibrated. Some of them were nearly 5 degrees out (both digital and liquid thermometers)
Normally when carpet hatch in that time temps are usually around 29.5. That is why I have had all of my thermometers calibrated. Some of them were nearly 5 degrees out (both digital and liquid thermometers)

It must be then ,I am just glad they have finaly started hatching! :D
My jungles were at 30.8c I use a calibrated thermometer and they took 57 days to hatch. Last year took 58 days to hatch at 30.5 c . Yes some thermometers are out by 5c+/- not good .
Well someone who knows someone on this site ( who breeds some very nice jungles) told me jungles can take upto 72 daysto hatch , weird. anyway all babys are doing great! , and about to have there frist shead :D
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