Jungle help!

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Active Member
May 26, 2010
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VIC - South Gippsland
I'm gonna get a Jungle carpet soon and was wondering how big the minimum size enclosure they would tolerate is. I'm only getting one, and it would only be a hatchie, but I'm having a little trouble finding room in my room for another pet! Any help would be appreciated.

P.S. If anyone has a cheap* tank in Vic that they don't want please PM me.

* $50-75.
exo terra have good little enclosures you should be able to get at a pet shop new for not much more than that, be careful buying second hand enclosures
If you decide on an enclosure, and it has sliding glass doors, stuff the opening between the glass with something (newspaper?)
Young snakes can and do push out between the opening.
All glass is not ideal, however if you can get a good temperature gradient, you may get away with it?
Does it have an escape proof lid though?
Easier to just get a plastic tub and put one end on a heat mat :D
Yes avoid the sliding door enclosures for young snakes,also watch the holes at the top for the cords a bit of blue tack there stops small snakes escaping, plastic tubs do work well if the lid seals plenty of air holes and a couple of painted dowels, and fish tanks with mesh lids can work with jungles I haven't had problems with jungles rubbing their noses on mesh lids

Would an old fish tank do? Its' 61cm long, 40cm high, 30cm wide. I found out its 10 months old too.

That tank would be too big for a hatchie, make a click clack. You can do it for $20 or so. Move it into the fish tank when it gets a bit bigger.
The click clack would be sufficient 10mo though you probably want some thing a bit bigger unless you want to buy a new enclosure every week LOL.

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