Jungle python not eating at all? HELP

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Dec 28, 2009
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I have a jungle python that is now about 4ft and he has always been a really healthy eater. the problem is that he hasn't eaten for about 5 weeks and i'm starting to worry. I thought it could be brumation but he hasn't slowed down and still basks. I have tried to feed him every week for the past 4 weeks and he doesn't even seem interested. I've tried different size rats and I was told to try and 'annoy' him with the rat but that didn't work as he never seems to get annoyed and has never striked. so when do i start worrying for real and when do i try to feed him again, cause its getting expensive just wasting the rats. please help
No need to worry yet. What are the temps at? How long have you had it for? They can go off their food at this time of year.

Keep handling to a minimum, and offer food every two weeks. When it gets hungry enough, it will eat.
mate i have a large collection of morelia do you keep records of stool after each feed to make sure its last feed has been digested it is a good to keep records of everything this helps in trying to diagnose if there is a posible problem.5 weeks is not unusual can you give me more info enclosure temps etc and i will try and help regards tomeki
Yeh remember when they are cooled for breeding they go up to six months without food, plus the extra energy for egg production, so don't worry about them starving. My rescued coastals hardly ever ate but they still grew. As said, need more history including the time you have had them as it is a bit strange if you have kept them the same way since hatchies, but not so strange if you have only just aquired them.
I got him on 2/1/2010 and he was a yearling (first snake :), at the moment he is in a 2ft wide 2ft high tank. the ambient temp is usually around 22 and the basking temp is about 27-29. I know this is cooler than usual which led me to think that he was brumating. His stools have always been digested. i've been trying to do some research on the internet and most sources say to cut all heating and don't feed at all. Is this a good idea until it gets warmer if he is in brumation?
I got him on 2/1/2010 and he was a yearling (first snake :), at the moment he is in a 2ft wide 2ft high tank. the ambient temp is usually around 22 and the basking temp is about 27-29. I know this is cooler than usual which led me to think that he was brumating. His stools have always been digested. i've been trying to do some research on the internet and most sources say to cut all heating and don't feed at all. Is this a good idea until it gets warmer if he is in brumation?

Why do you keep your temps low? Bump up the basking site to 32. No need to cool him, just get your temps correct.
Why do you keep your temps low? Bump up the basking site to 32. No need to cool him, just get your temps correct.


if you do want him to brumate, then keep him cool and dont feed him. if you want him to grow and feed, bump him up to a propper temp of (as melissa has suggested) around 32.
dont worry about it i had a diamond that went 7 weeks without eating, you could try feeding him live rats for a while it worked with my big guy :p
dont worry about it i had a diamond that went 7 weeks without eating, you could try feeding him live rats for a while it worked with my big guy :p

Not to get into this again - BUT, live feeding is risky amongst other things and should only be used as a LAST RESORT.

Hate when bad advice is given to new keepers!

Crazy_frazy - DO NOT live feed. It is totally unnecessary in your situation.
if you are using the rats to try and annoy him i find that my snake always strikes if i run the rodent up the back of her spine and she normally turns around and strikes when it gets to the back of her head. try that a couple of times. just on her neck is the magic spot for me maybe it works for you. hope all goes well :):)
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