Being a purist came under a lot of fire a few years ago when the underhanded money grubbing jag crew "surprisingly" had jags just hatch out in their collections. It was before facebook, and the forums were full of bickering, with many people like myself being banned from sites because we were openly telling the truth, which was against the agendas of many, even some certain site moderators, so site bannings were being handed out like jaffas if you were a purist, for ridiculous reasons. I have even had a jag breeder call me by phone and try to tell me that because I made a post on here regarding white lipped pythons, that I was no better then the scum bags that smuggled in the jags, and in particular, him. he didn't have the brains to realise that a post on here, wasn't the same as actually keeping the animals and therefore buying into the smuggling.!
The best thing I ever did was turn my back on the hobby, and simply go about my business of relocating and looking after my collection. The hobby was so distasteful, I started to lose enthusiasm for reptiles in general, but now that the "other side" is all on face book, and I am not, my passion has come back and I am quite happy staying away from all the ********, and going about my work with our wild native animals. Without these animals, there would never even be a hobby, therefore, an enlightened person who is grateful for their life and what they have, would easily see the beauty of even the most shabbiest wild type reptile. They can have their one-up-manship, and their "projects", and their deep seated moral insecurities that has become rife, and shove it.
My biggest concern was that jags would escape, and breed. To date, I haven't caught one yet, but I have caught many unidentifiable python sub-species crosses. Sometimes they are "clean" others are covered in mites. Not what we want out there in the wild.