Well-Known Member
I agree with you,why try to turn a bearded dragon into a skink?? Nothing against skinks we own several but if you want a skink ,buy a skink! I have a hypo and a leatherback but wouldn't go any further.I love beardies because they are beardies.I have a silkback. I didn't get him because of the scale/no scale issue, but because he seemed the healthiest and most alert of his group of hatchies. Of course I'll never breed him, and I'm aware of the shedding issues, so he gets a warm bath daily. Other than that, my entire group of reptiles are wildtype. I hope you guys understand... I'm not advocating the creation of silkies or anything, but I just believe that they shouldn't just be frozen. What people should do is stop creating them, because I personally believe it's quite unfair to kill them when it was us who bred them into existance. People these days... whats wrong with the good old beardie?
I agree with you,why try to turn a bearded dragon into a skink?? Nothing against skinks we own several but if you want a skink ,buy a skink! I have a hypo and a leatherback but wouldn't go any further.I love beardies because they are beardies.
I agree. Its a crap gene and should of been euthanized at the start. And the first person that had silkback gene would of known that before trying to breed it. If u had a bearded born with 3 legs would u breed that deformity as a carry on gene ?I think the folding stuff had more to do with their creation rather than a skink impersonation.
Yes, it would've been much easier to have just not delved into these genes at all from the start. But now, since they're here, my opinion is to give those that are already in existance good lives and not breed anymore.I agree. Its a crap gene and should of been euthanized at the start. And the first person that had silkback gene would of known that before trying to breed it. If u had a bearded born with 3 legs would u breed that deformity as a carry on gene ?
I agree with you Wally,I wasn't trying to insinuate something like an impersonation rather the bastardisation of something we know and love.I think the folding stuff had more to do with their creation rather than a skink impersonation.
I agree with you Wally,I wasn't trying to insinuate something like an impersonation rather the bastardisation of something we know and love.
Obviously the silkbacks wouldn't survive in the wild,but they shouldn't be in captivity either.(Unless you're into freaks)
Shedding problems mainly, I believe.Skinks are awesome. While I don't know if I can pick a favourite group of lizard, I know that some of my favourite lizards are definitely skinks!
While in Western Australia we can't keep large species Bearded Dragons I've always admired their beautiful, prehistoric spiny appearance. Their beard displays are amazing. To think that people prefer them with no beards or spines is bewildering. What health problems do silkbacks normally experience?
Yes, they do get shedding issues. I bath mine every night and use HerpaShed regularly. As I've said above, I don't advocate production of silkbacks but want to give those that have already been created good homes until they stop being produced. Sort of like a silkback sanctuary rather than just euthanising them.
I don't think that will make much difference,some people just have to have certain things.Doesn't matter whether it is ethical or good for the animal or society.It's human nature/greed;gimme,gimme,gimmeRaising awareness about the problem might help...? Just thinking
The info on the oversees sites on what people do to keep them alive makes my skin crawl.
No pun intended.
Force feeding, ripping off stuck skin, amputating toes and tails, breeding them to normals/leathers (when they mate, dragons bite the female), etc. etc. It's horrible.Please Wally continue. I have no idea as I don't have a great deal to do Dragons at all.
Oh, and they also keep them permanently in small boxes with nothing but water in them.Force feeding, ripping off stuck skin, amputating toes and tails, breeding them to normals/leathers (when they mate, dragons bite the female), etc. etc. It's horrible.
They actually do have beards, although it only becomes obvious when they puff up.I was at a breeders house recently and when I spoke of my distaste for silkies he pointed to 1 and I realized it didn't actually have a beard