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I know what your saying Ryan, I don`t find them interesting to sit there and watch hours on end- They don`t do a great deal! Don`t get me wrong I love my animals but what keeps me interested is the learning and the challenge to keep and breed each species, I won`t get rid of a species until i have successfuly bred it :D But thats just me! :D
If you want boring, get blue tongues. Don't get me wrong, I adore my blueys, but along with boring they are still cute, very easy to care for and cheap to feed. Only problem is they burrow in their aspen bedding and I don't see them as much as I'd like, unless its feeding day (every 2nd at the moment) and they are out and about and restless. The more boring, the easier to care for! A lot can be said for boring!!!

I enjoyed my beardies, and I miss them, but blueys are so EASY and NO CRICKETS!!!

no way, i find my shinglebacks the most fascinating.. that is, when they are awake.. lol. perhaps thats just because they are SO different to beardies.

IMO, they are uniquely fascinating in there own rights, between individuals, and species.

if they dont interest you, dont keep them. beats slowly getting over them and giving them poor care..
Tho some reptiles don't interest me at all, turtles and gecko's for example i just haven't really taken a liking to them.
Well I hope its not, lol, im picking up my little spotted in a few weeks, I sure hope its not boring!
I agree Ryan sometimes they bore me but other times i pull em out and handle em. I've always loved reptiles and now consider it a hobby that i will prob continue with for the rest of my life... Maybe that means my life will be a bore :p
im certainly with you there! its great to see them in the wild! but at the same time i like keeping them! they are so different etc. i was thinking about selling my snakes and buying some goannas and colubrids but then that would be it! but i couldn't do that! i get attached to my animals!:D i have one more thing im gonna try! set all there tanks up well see what happens, have basking spots and stuff and maybe try a reverse cycle (day is night, night is day, so i can see them active buy day, and they sleep at night :D but if that fails i dunno! i'll still have em :D

yer I think a lot of reptiles look cute and look awsome, but they just dont interest me for some reason unless they are wild ones, because its a challenge to find them, see them in there natural habitat, photograph them etc
why keep them if you find them boring. it still excites me every time i feed my snakes, i love the speed and power that they have when they strike and pull the rat from the tongs. then watching my beardies watch me as i walk past their enclosures or am cleaning their enclosures. if your herps dont do anything for you ryan, get rid of them and let someone that will enjoy them have them
I think you might find that they appear boring due to the enclosures they are in. Enclosures can really limit the amount of prowling etc that a reptile can do. Indoor enclosures rarely give the animal any mental stimulation. Really, why would a snake bother prowling around an enclosure that it can see the other end of. It knows whats down the other end and doesnt really care. It may as well stay where it is.

Get some of these animals into large outdoor aviaries and you'll see a difference in their behaviour.
I think you might find that they appear boring due to the enclosures they are in. Enclosures can really limit the amount of prowling etc that a reptile can do. Indoor enclosures rarely give the animal any mental stimulation. Really, why would a snake bother prowling around an enclosure that it can see the other end of. It knows whats down the other end and doesnt really care. It may as well stay where it is.

Get some of these animals into large outdoor aviaries and you'll see a difference in their behaviour.

Got to agree with you there
I keep a mixture of species, so there is always something going on around my place and I could never find this boring. I love to sit and watch my snakes even as they rest, to familiarise myself with their faces and their shapes, marvel at how they manage to squeeze into the tightest spots and still remain comfortable, and then to see, as I watch my sleeping snake, an eye move! Not sleeping at all, but watching me right back!

To cruise around the cages as I do my checks and notice who is alert to my activity and who isn't. To outstare the Brown Tree Snakes, spring them as they glide along a branch and then freeze in place when I come near, so I freeze also and we play... who will move first. (I cheat, I count those eye movements as a win to me!)

I adore to watch them drinking, to watch the muscles in their heads moving, some flicker their tongues as they drink, others bury their faces right up to their eyes and just let themselves go with the experience. I love to hold a water bowl under a nose as a snake rests and to see it flick, flick, realise the water is there and lower their head to drink as I enjoy the sight of my snakes trusting enough to do that while I stand there holding their water.

At nighttime, as the pythons cruise their branches, looking out of the enclosures to watch me and subconciously convincing me (in a totally anthropomorphic way of course) that they are asking to come out and explore, politely, with a please, thank you.

And when time comes that the bellies start to rumble and the cruising stops and the stillness of the hunt starts, to see them alert, but appearing not to be, heads jerking to each and every movement that happens around them. Tiptoe past, lest they strike the glass and hurt themselves.

To watch the feed, the clumsy ones attacking their harmless dinner backwards, taking forever to figure it out and reshuffle the hold to find that elusive head to start. The real hunters, hitting, squeezing the already lifeless body in an imagined kill. To tug lightly on the tail of dinner as the snake starts to back off a little, prompting a fresh squeeze. 'It's alive!! Kill it again!! Kill Kill!!'

To consistantly be amazed at the ability to stretch, the sides of the jaws and head moving stealthily, side to side, like creeping footsteps along the furry bodies disappearing inside, marvel at the muscles, stretching and pulling dinner deeper into their bellies. The shape of a rat gone, to be replaced by a form, infinitely longer and thinner than the rat was born to be in a rat perfect world. Then the push, as the head and neck turn, first this side, then that, pushing dinner deeper, the thin line of skin hanging loosely under the neck and the back muscles bunching with the effort.

Then dinner in the belly, so big and so fat refuge in a tight hidey hole is not possible. Watching them lying stretched across a branch, bellies full, the knowledge that those teeth are simply waiting for me to become complacent and reach in to adjust a waterbowl, thinking in my own head, (who has the pea sized brain now) that, no way, they are full and sleeping now, it's all safe... and reaching in with rat stinky fingers...

The reach for the towel to stem the blood. Nostrils filled with the lingering smell of rat, now lumps in bellies, but only recently defrosting in warm water. Cleaning the defrost bowls, curling my nose at the smell of the rat water. Knowing this is the first of a long line of cleans to be done over the next couple of weeks, as each happy satiated snake digests and yet, not regretting the work to come.

For in between the work, as I wait for my new wounds to heal and close and be forgotten, (maybe a scar or two and certainly another tale to tell for the enjoyment of others), comes the watching and appreciation of the animal species I have chosen to keep.

Never boring.
wow i just read that whole thing.
I think its great how your so passionate about the animals you care for:D

I sit and watch my beardy from a distance. I sat there for over an hour just watching and it basicly didnt do anything at all. Yet i was still entertained
i love herping. it's more the excitement of finding something then the admiration of natural beauty.
i own reptiles and bluey's and i find them very interesting and unboring.
they intruige me all the time and my pythons lay around in some of the most random possitions and places. i have a coastal and bredl's in 1 and they would look like lovers the way they are always coiled together during the day.
and my jungle and another coastal are never near each other except for basking. they're the solitary 2. never get close to others when resting
if you find your pythons boring then take them outside and interact with them, the sun wont kill them, or stay up l8 and watch them (when they're active).
everytime i look at them they get me even if they havent moved. i just love my snakes
I like to think keeping pythons as educational experience. How many people do you know who are scared of "snakes" ? I know quite a few including my mother and my daughters. But by me keeping pythons one daughter can handle being in the same room with them and my mother will now look at them thru their glass front enclosures. Previously they ran away and wouldnt even go into the room. I still have one daughter to cure her phobia yet.
So my point is no they aren't a dog which you can teach them tricks but they are fasinating and each of my pythons have their own personality and i like to think i can be a small part in making others aware that not all snakes are going to kill you. Cheers
Wrasse, you're insane!:lol: You've given me my big smile for the day with that post.

But i can't help but agree with everything you said. Especially with tiptoe-ing past the enclosure so they dont strike, and tugging the rats tail to prompt a fresh squeeze!:D
I like to think keeping pythons as educational experience. How many people do you know who are scared of "snakes" ? I know quite a few including my mother and my daughters. But by me keeping pythons one daughter can handle being in the same room with them and my mother will now look at them thru their glass front enclosures. Previously they ran away and wouldnt even go into the room. I still have one daughter to cure her phobia yet.
So my point is no they aren't a dog which you can teach them tricks but they are fasinating and each of my pythons have their own personality and i like to think i can be a small part in making others aware that not all snakes are going to kill you. Cheers

i was. then i got tagged and now love them. was always interested tho, but scared and the 1's in my yard other than pythons that i found didnt make it out.
i grew up and it's something that can't be restored. so i make up for it by educating and offering to remove for my friends that are scared of them and would kill them.
but my family still preaches to me the best snake is a dead snake....
even worse when you've been tagged by a ven and they wont let up when your in a hospital bed.
I will say that the venomous snakes arent my cup of tea and accidently stepping on a king Brown in my vegie patch was a heart stopper didnt realise i could balance so well on a fence.
But seriously Ryan maybe you should rethink your choice of reptile you keep or use the knowledge you have to educate others.
They give up after a while.

mine didn't i walked out of the hospital cos my grandad was telling my ex how to run them over and how to hit them with a shovel...... then basically told me that they never move.... i was pissed and lost it with them and ended up walking out of the hospital.
i was non-symptomatic
I think some herps are boring to keep, but even boring herps can be quite interesting and the boring ones often require much less work. Out of what i have kept i dont think the follwoing species are boring at all Varanus gilleni, V.panoptes, V.spenceri, turtles, Litoria fallax and common tree snakes.
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