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Just remember that it wasn't long ago that most reptiles kept had been illegally wild caught, and if people hadn't done it, we wouldn't have a licence system at all. Selling wild caught animals illegally or ruining habitat to get them, well thats a totally different thing.

too true Jayson.

I really don't think it's a good idea to dob someone in over things like this. Just be responsible for yourself and your own actions.
I believe the majority of reptile keepers in this country have at some stage knowingly owned a reptile that was caught illegally, either by themselves or a friend.

Absolutely true mate. Back in 1990 I tried to get a reptile keepers licence but the NSW NPWS just wouldn't issue any to anyone for quite a few years. You could only have 2 snakes without a licence and they had to be sourced from licenced breeders. The first legal carpet python I owned was from Gerry Swan of the AHS in 1991 for free because it was illegal to sell reptiles for money then. They had to be given for free or swapped.

But I also had WC diamonds, RBBS, Demansia psammophis, hemiaspis signata etc in my collection. I basically gave away my whole collection back then through frustration of the non issue of licences and got back into herps years later when licences were available.

I'm not condoning keeping WC animals but back then it was the normal thing and widely done by everyone.
Dob them in..........If they have the correct lic. The authorities will already know that he is allowed to do it as they issued his lic.

Big Ryno.......You might have had to do it in the past.....but in todays world we don't just drop the "A bomb"... but we did in the past.....It's no excuse....We have no need to destroy our wild animals and there habitats. If it was injured or could not survive in the wild anymore then fine there are organisations that will take and care for them. Otherwise come and have a look at my tassie tigers I have all of them in captivity pitty there are none left in the wild but hey I am OK......

Just buy the animals from a breeder or get one that is a legally WC animal......

PS have never owned a WC animal.....just demesticated animals and licensed animals....
if you know some is getting wild caught reptiles should you report them or name and shame them on here

I think you should mind your own frigging business for starters. I do not do it personally, but i do not hold it against someone for a pulling a snake off the road and keeping it. After all the animals that get deliberately shovelled, run over, shot etc etc one person picking up a pretty little carpet python off the road is nothing in the overall scheme of things.

However, i don't like knowing of people raping the bush, taking heaps of animals then flogging off all the animals for their own financial gain. If its on the road its fair game.

I should further add that with the amount of destruction to vegetation being done in my shire, is nothing to a person taking one snake from the wild. After all, most people got into reptiles by catching or keeping a bluetongue as kids.

Agree Simone.

Colin, its amazing how far we have come since 1990 isn't it! Its been 17 years of massive improvements, but starting too see some cracks now, its time for more change I reckon.

Where we going to be in 10 more years?
I should further add that with the amount of destruction to vegetation being done in my shire, is nothing to a person taking one snake from the wild. After all, most people got into reptiles by catching or keeping a bluetongue as kids.


Quite frankly if we’re going to move with the times these developers need to be employing the services of a native wildlife relocator to do just that – relocate, not some hairy buffoon with a shovel jumping out of his Caterpillar to despatch something trying to escape!
I agree with those with a sensible point of view on this subject, someone keeping one or even a couple of wild caught snakes is hardly going to move the Earth off it's axis, mind your own business and worry about real problems. It seems to be perfectly acceptable to own legally WC snakes but because someone picks a snake up off the road and keeps it they are criminals. The only difference is that someone paid some money for a permit to pick them up off the road.
Here's some food for thought:

Under s101(5)(c)(i) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act

'A person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) in respect og the possession of any protected fauna, if the person satisfies the court:

that the animal concerned was incapable of fending for itself in its natural habitat'


This means you are basically allowed to take albino's from the wild legally because they are known to be unable to fend for themselves??


You need to notify the Director-General and wait for his decision on what to do with the animal... Which meas SR gets it hahaha
Who says they are picking them up from the road? What about the ones who specifically go bush to find what they want to keep? On the road, in the bush, doesn't make it ok.
I know of one fellow who hunts down gravid pythons, keeps them until they lay, then releases them, then spouts on about his fabulous breeding experience and everyone howls on about how wonderful he is. Pfffft.
I laughed at one of my wife’s friends the other day when she was talking about the fact that I keep snakes and how it’s depleting wild stocks – this was before I explained mine were all captive bred and that there are regulations in place blah blah blah

I said “so let me get this right, you’re out in the bush with a bunch of friends and a venomous snake crosses your path, and you….what??? Leap to its defence because 9/10 times it’ll get bludgeoned to death by the nearest he-man! P-l-e-a-s-e, gimme a break!”

If these animals are not being shovelled they are being purposely driven over by idiots in cars – not accidentally, on PURPOSE! Too bad the only ones on here copping this evil eye treatment are the ones trying to look after them. I’d like to think there is a big difference with those with one or two wild-caught animals to others who are mass collecting and trying to profit out of it.

I’m personally all for captive bred – I don’t like the idea of taking something out of its natural habitat. I mean, they like all the ticks, wild animals, drought, shovels, cars, feral cats……..:lol: :lol: Don’t they???? :p (that last part is meant to be a joke ;))
I don't agree with anyone keeping wild reps, at least with the legal WC animals they are permited and the numbers taken are allocated. (And I think that the occasional fresh blood into the hobby's genepool can't hurt) however If everyone "rescues" an animal that get's too close to the road and that "rescue" involves taking it home putting it into an enclosure for the remainder of it's life and denying it the chance to reproduce with other wild animals, then you may as well run it over or give it the one shovel salute. because it's not the animals welfare you really care about.....
" If everyone "rescues" an animal that get's too close to the road and that "rescue" involves taking it home putting it into an enclosure for the remainder of it's life and denying it the chance to reproduce with other wild animals, then you may as well run it over or give it the one shovel salute. because it's not the animals welfare you really care about....."

Don't agree there. The difference is if it is taken off the road, and taken home or whatever, it is the opposite of giving it the 'one shovel salute'. You have given it a life, albeit in a wooden box maybe, but its better than guts splattered on the road IMO.

Sure you denied it a chance to reproduce with other 'wild' animals, but the car that was about to run it over would have done the same thing.

At least you could get him/her a root albeit with a captive bred OR another wild caught.

I am not condoning it at all, but I think an alive snake is better than a dead one, in most circumstances anyway.
Moose :lol: Yeah let them take their chances I reckon.
At the end of the day, your kidding yourselves if you think that half the Jungles owned in Nth QLD aren't wild caught..
Who says they are picking them up from the road? What about the ones who specifically go bush to find what they want to keep? On the road, in the bush, doesn't make it ok.
I know of one fellow who hunts down gravid pythons, keeps them until they lay, then releases them, then spouts on about his fabulous breeding experience and everyone howls on about how wonderful he is. Pfffft.
This happens to often, add gravid monitors to,
It's one of the worst types of poaching.
We've moved snakes away from the side of the road many a time. Fine, give them a chance, it doesn't mean it's ok to take it home and keep it. Is everyone forgetting that it's illegal? I'm gobsmacked that some people on here are saying it's ok.
We've moved snakes away from the side of the road many a time. Fine, give them a chance, it doesn't mean it's ok to take it home and keep it. Is everyone forgetting that it's illegal? I'm gobsmacked that some people on here are saying it's ok.
You moved it away from the road? What an interesting concept ;)
Here's some food for thought:

Under s101(5)(c)(i) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act

'A person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) in respect og the possession of any protected fauna, if the person satisfies the court:

that the animal concerned was incapable of fending for itself in its natural habitat'


This means you are basically allowed to take albino's from the wild legally because they are known to be unable to fend for themselves??


You need to notify the Director-General and wait for his decision on what to do with the animal... Which meas SR gets it hahaha

Tell us what you really think steve :D the SR has had some pointed comments made about it in this and other threads lately I've noticed.
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