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I think you should mind your own frigging business for starters. I do not do it personally, but i do not hold it against someone for a pulling a snake off the road and keeping it. After all the animals that get deliberately shovelled, run over, shot etc etc one person picking up a pretty little carpet python off the road is nothing in the overall scheme of things.

However, i don't like knowing of people raping the bush, taking heaps of animals then flogging off all the animals for their own financial gain. If its on the road its fair game.


Agreed - Its people who kept reptiles "illegally" years ago that allows us to have a legal hobby now - the "eco-nazis" and wildlife authorities should worry more about the average "joe" who thinks its a great idea to kill reptiles than the hobbist who for the most part is interested in learning more about reptiles. Ironic isn't it that its not illegal to run over a snake on the road but it is illegal to remove it from the road and keep it.
" If everyone "rescues" an animal that get's too close to the road and that "rescue" involves taking it home putting it into an enclosure for the remainder of it's life and denying it the chance to reproduce with other wild animals, then you may as well run it over or give it the one shovel salute. because it's not the animals welfare you really care about....."

Silly arguement - you only need to consider the last 15 year of australia herpetology to see the huge advances in our knowledge since keeping has been legalised. So there is a huge benefit over keeping reptiles in enclosures over them getting run over.... or maybe I got your arguement wrong - are you saying we should shovel them as this is prefered to them getting run over? It more humane? pleeease
That's my rant, now I'm off to hug a tree....

Hopefully a branch falls on your head and knows some sense in to you - Just because the system makes it illegal doesn't mean that its correct, wild taking has a minor impact on the environment when all other man made impact is taken in to consideration.

Aboriginies couldn't vote 40 years ago didn't make it correct
There is a big difference between someone taking the odd animal from the wild, and someone raping the bush with no regard for the environment or the animals they catch. Harvesting animals from decent habitat will have no effect on the population, it is when people start getting greedy that problems arise. Look at the drama's in the Wheatbelt of WA, where collectors have gone through with jimmy bars and wrecked several rock outcrops. Here in QLD, places like Girraween National Park are also partially destroyed. Unfortunately, like most things, a few bad apples spoil it.

There are far bigger threats to Australian native wildlife then a reptile keeper pinching a snake or two - if the government would invest all the licencing funding and time into feral animal management, it would save millions more animals.

At the end of the day though, it IS illegal, and the vast majority of species are available in captivity anyway.
Got to agree with a few comments here thats its generally assumed by the unknowing general public that most herps are wild caught. Had a friend who suggested i keep a few of the skinks running around in their back yard and declined saying that it is illegal and they didnt understand why its necessary to have a license for a species roaming thier backyard and safely believe there is a lot of people with the same opinion.
With SO many available captive bred, by breeders who work hard to successfully breed their animals, what's the point in taking them from the wild unless it's cause you want to avoid paying for them or bothering with a license. It's for your own benefit not the snakes. And yes they were all originally wild caught but these days most species just don't need to be...

I wouldn't dob someone in, but i think some people are arrogant enough to think they are above the law and while captive bred animals for most species are so readibly attainable what's the point of taking them out.

JMO like most of you have put in so far.

I will admit that I have kept 2 wild caught Jackeys and have no licence. I did this because my 4 year old son has a natural fasentation for reptiles and I wanted to fuel his interest in these things instead of computer games, but I also wanted too see how long the novely lasted before paying out BIG bucks for licences and setups. I had enough gear from keeping tropical fish to set us up with a basic unit to keep the two Jackey Lizaeds happy. My son has loved every minute of it, holding them, catching varius insects in garden keeping him occupied for hours and through this site, google searches and pet shops we have learnt alot about keeping these guys and ensuring they get the greatest care. We have since let them go right back were we got them. They were happy, healthy and now I think we are ready to do all the work you guys have put in, licences and all. It will be money well spent and my son will grow to be a fine addition to the many keepers of reptiles and the like in the future.

The other day I was at a family picknick in my bro inlaws house. The dog was going off its head about something. Next minute I find it has got hold of a grand old blue tounge. I gave the dog what for and put the blue tounge in its final resting place, my son and I were greatly saddned and I cant count how many birds I have seen his cat devour over the years. So after all that whats my point ? Really I dont know, but I'm sure you guys will debate my situation.
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