Kitty gets flushed

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2008
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Perth WA
Kittens and toilets don't mix | Courier Mail

i think this is a pretty irresponsible mother to leave a child unattended with such young kittens, i think the state should be sending her the bill for all the man hours spent saving it.

but kudos to the fire department for saving it, and also im confused as to how the kitten did not drown, my only guess is that it went down head first.
but yes it is very irresponsible of the mother to leave their child who throws things in the toilet with kittens ok you have to be pretty damn stupid to do that
omg i seen this on the news i couldnt beleive it this kitten is like what couple of days old and it probably cost thousands to save it if u ask me its a waste lol i dont think that little girl should go near the kittens again mayby a pet rock is apropriat but then she could throw that through a window o_O
i don't believe in animal cruelty is funny but for all cats that have killed lizards and people have fed reptiles to there pets SUCK IT KITTEN LOL

i agree i don't think animal cruelty or owners irresponsibility is any laughing matter but your last line made me smile :p

i don't think that little girl should go near the kittens again maybe a pet rock is appropriate but then she could throw that through a window o_O

more like through your TV :O
hmmm bet ya she didn't even get yelled at or taught her lesson. Thats what is wrong with parents these days, cant teach their children anything...and smacking ***? is that banned now?
haha im pretty sure they want to banned lol you know what they say an eye for an eye grab her head shove it in the toilet AND FLUSHHHHHHHHH!!! lol mayby it might be a bit to harsh but funny
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA mr shorty do you think she would do it again after that lolol
ahaha no im pretty sure she wouldnt lol but if she ever does then you do it just after someones gone to the toilet ewwww
I giggled... there's now a place reserved for ne in hell. But seriously, why weren't the parents watching their 3 year old kid?! Why is the kid allowed anywhere NEAR the kitten after this?
It's v obvious this thread is being commented on by teenagers who have no experience with family life ;)
this is why people should have a license to breed.
It's v obvious this thread is being commented on by teenagers who have no experience with family life ;)

oh yes, that thought crossed my mind also.

Of course, you should watch your child 24 hours and NEVER take your eyes off them.

I have four children, and I am very tired now, from keeping my eyes open :lol:
one way to get rid of a kitten the other way is to feed to ya scrubbie !

i am not a cat lover can you tell but the kitten had a good bath.

( cruety is animals is not on )
It's v obvious this thread is being commented on by teenagers who have no experience with family life ;)
haha i have 2 little brothers one is 6 and the other is 2 and they are very annoying the littlest one was so sweet he was great but he happend to reach his teerible 2's sadly and it is so hard to wacth were they go and he is always trying to get his hands on anything he can find ha there such a handfull.......... well for my mum but i do try and help as much as i can
It's v obvious this thread is being commented on by teenagers who have no experience with family life ;)
I see what you're saying... my little one has flushed keys, candles and necklaces... However there is NO WAY I would leave her unattended with a kitten that age, whether she had access to a toilet or not. Shes rough enough with our full grown cat, nevermind a little kitten.
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