lethargic bearded dragon

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i think it might be impaction..
today she moved off her basking spot and to a place where she usually poos and kind of figitied around a bit. stomache quivered a tiny bit. i dno ive been reading up on internal diseases all week
When was the last time she pooped?
i dont really keep a record on it but i think it mightve been the day before.. maybe day after
Does she drag her legs when she moves?
I dont think it is impaction..but im not a vet or have seen her..so who knows
yeh no sings of paralysis yet. could it be from too many people touching her? because on christmas my sister took a few toddlers up without my knowledge and there was a lot of touching when i came up =\
You know what... its RI i have seen this before exact same thing as you described with your bathing!!! nodding off and such...i reckon u have maybe 1 maximum 2 days to get to vet....

Not trying to scare you dude but you have to understand this type of thing just doesnt go away!
Best thing u can do for her at this stage (while waiting for your appointment) is to keep her warm on 24 hour heat
too late she died before i could get her to the vet :( is this ri thing contagious and should i clean out her cage and furnishings? thanks for all the help
ohh that sucks. been following this thread and am so sorry to hear that :(
RIP lil beardie
Thats what happens when you dont take your reptile to the vet when its sick.
It sounds mean but its true as soon as u see your reptile is sick take it to a vet unlike what this dude here has done.
Thats why i told you to give it away, as i knew it was never going to make it to the vet.
Good luck with finding the lizards on your wanted list.....
when people told me to take it to a vet i called
they said they were full
so i booked the first free appointment.. its not as if i neglected it until it was near death to do something about it
Yes that is very true. There aren’t as many reptile vets as there are regular vets. Here in Adelaide, I know of 2 vets who specialise in reptiles and that’s it. The same goes for birds. I rescued a bird on the weekend but couldn’t take it too the vet so I had to care for it over the weekend, then when I took it in the nurse thought I had no idea, when I had been trying to explain to her that I’d been caring for rescued birds for 13 years but I needed them to take it because I can’t afford to care for them anymore. She just kept saying ‘you know it may be euthanatized if nobody can’t help it’. I wanted them to take the freaking bird! Then there was the time one of my birds got sick and I literally called every vet I could access for 2 days before I ended up having to take him to a breeder because no vet would help. All because it was the weekend. God...
Sorry that was way off topic, but I just find it frustrating when help is not available when it’s needed. The moral of my irrelevant whinging is- if you ever have a pet that gets sick try and get professional help immediately if you are able to, you can also try contacting a reptile dealer to get some advice. If you aren’t able to get vet advise then that’s the next best thing. The 2 most important things when supporting an ill animal is warmth and hydration. You must keep it warm and you must keep it hydrated. I think from what I read you did that, so that is good. You may be able to take her to the vet and still find out what killed her if you wanted to. And definitely clean out your enclosure properly, get rid of the substrate, and make sure everything is cleaned thoroughly incase it was an infectious disease.
Again I’m really sorry your lizard died, I hope you feel better soon.
mate, sad to hear, but i have to agree with bradman. I recently had a beardie that was in just as bad shape. I had to get it euthanisd, but that was after 6-8 weeks. Force feeding etc.

I'd wait a while to get another one mate. desperate times call for desparate measures, sometimes you just need to jam a syringe with electrolytes into their mouth and squeeze.
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