lets here those goose bump stories

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Mar 16, 2007
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Im sure many people have a story about the world of ghostly events,i thought it was all a bunch of bulldust, well that is untill the age of 15 when my parents bought a pub in Tasmania.Now the pub was built in 1831 there are around 15 different accounts that me/we can account for so ill just tell one briefly, And that is that many many people have been pinned down while they where fast asleep.Something had woken them usually a voice calling there name and when they have tried to investigate by getting out of bed they where as cold as ice and literally couldnt move for atleast 5 minutes till this whatever it was decided to let them go.
ooooh love ghost stories........................my daughter claims to have seen my great grandmother in her bedroom on numerous occasions, it freaks me out, considering she never met my great grandmother as my Great Grandmother died about 2 weeks before Chloe ( my daughter) was born.
Cool!!! I love ghost stories!!!!! I had my grandmother die in my mothers house when I was 14, anyway she knew I was scared of the dark like most kids are. About a week after she died, every time I got out of bed in the middle of the night she would turn the bedside light on in my mothers room, which was opposite my room, when i went back to my room she would turn the light back off, was awesome!!!
koubee when i was 14 i would have laughed at u and your daughter but not anymore buddy i well and truly believe you, i have done a lot of studies into the world of auras,spirits,ghosts,sicokenetic energies (poltergiest activity). Koubee kids can see alot of things that us adults miss because kids are in a different frame of mind than us adults.
My brother and his friends went to the cemetery (in the middle of the night) and than all of a sudden one of his friends walked away from them to a big statue headstone he stood there for a couple of minutes shaking... and than he ran, just sprinted all the way out the gate, he sat there on the ground crying (he is 18) saying that 'they' thought they were going to trash and break the headstones and telling them to leave.

And considering he and his 5 year old sister had both had experiences like this (more than once his sister would wake up in the middle of the night and there would be a man wearing a cowboy/acubra hat standing in front of her bed watching over her and than he would disappear and she could hear footstep in the house walking around when everyone was asleep.) They didn't go back inside.

That creeped me out.
I personally have been "held down" in bed during the night. However i find it is explained by whats called sleep paralysis, long story short is that your brain controls a gland that produces a chemical that makes u temporarily paralysed, so you dont "act out" your dreams. However sleep is divided into two categories REM (Rapid Eye movement) and non-REM, you only dream during REM sleep which happens a few times per night usually every 2hrs or so i think. Anyway, after you finish having one session of REM sleep you become fully conscious ie you wake up but your eyelids are closed normally so you dont remeber it. But on the odd occasion your eyes might open and with the chemical still being present you cannot move. So you wake up with this feeling of being unable to move which lasts 2-3 mins and obviosly you flip out. In the flip out stage it is believed people think they see things out of the corners of their eyes like little green men or ghosts. Personally i do believe there is some really creepy things out ther that cannot be explained.

I lost my best friend when we were both in year 4. He was involved in a hit and run car accident on his pushbike around the corner from his house at 7pm. Anyway i didnt find out about it until the next morning but during the night i woke up and saw a glowing orb about the size of a tennis ball hovering at the foot of my bed which was emitting some kind of buzzing noise.. It sat there for about 10 seconds before moving slowly up the side of my bed where it sat again before turning to my bedroom window and flying through it and down my street and across the park at a crazy speed. I dont know what it was but part of me hopes it was my mate stopping to say his last goodbye and that it does prove there is something else on the other side of the long sleep ;)

Sorry for such a long winded post of dribble lol.
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Koubee kids can see alot of things that us adults miss because kids are in a different frame of mind than us adults.

I agree, I think it has more to do with adults just losing faith, and not beleiving they still see unnatural things but they just sum it all up to co-incidence and the like and just forget about it... but kids beleive and tell people.
shortly after my aunty died (3 years ago), my daughter 4 clipped the latch on my sliding door which leads to the back yard and my 6 year old son was out there. he called for me through the window to let him in and when i got to the door he was walking through the dining room, when i asked how he got inside he said that my aunty had let him in... it gave my shivers, but did not suprise me at all as she saw him born and they had always been close...

more recently i had decided to go and see an aunty that i had not seen in a long time and was going to call her when i got home to organise it... half an hour later i got a phone call to tell me she had died. when i asked when it was the exact time i was thinking of calling her.
I found my best friend hanging from the noose in his garage, and another mate blew his abdomen away at school with a sawn-off....'Nuff said.

Other than that, I just get the occasional voice or whisper in my head - But i suspect there are other reasons for that.
I once house sat a friends place and everytime i sat down to have tea or went to bed, and a light was already on it flicked alot. Then when i went to bed and woke up each morning, i for some reason remembered the name JACOB. Well this went on each night and then when my friends got home i told them about thier lights flicking and said, i think you should have an electrician come take a look, they then turned and said to me no, thats just JACOB.

I had a holiday in Tasmania a about 4-5yrs back when i was about 15. We visited Port Arthur, the old convict settlement and imprisonment area there. Every building was still standing and preserved WELL. There we saw isle of the death, it was a tiny little island you got to by boat and the whole thing was covered in convict graves. My brother (younger than i) swore he saw a dead face in the water. I laughed. We did a ghost tour that night, and JESUS it was creepy. We went through the old prison cells and old assylum and everything. I was holding onto my cousin at the time, i was freaked out, and we fell behind the group in the prison cells area. We were so tired, + scared. We turned around after hearing a faint voice, to see a soldier walking towards us, you know the type with the blue and red uniform and gold buttons down the front and a tall hat, carrying a rifle bannonett type gun. We looked at him, and it clicked to us OMFG what the HELL was that and we turned to eachother and looked again and he was gone. We looked at eachother and RAN LIKE HELL. The next day our photos came through and a picture of the graveyard isle of the dead picture had an orb ball type light behind a grave headstone. I thought typical lol. Needless to say im still curious and yes i believe in them.
We've also has plates move in our previous house (over 20yrs old), and showers turn on and run hard then switch off, and footsteps walking around upstairs. We've moved now, and havent had a thing. I think something happend to that house!
i used to think yeah right, people wanting attention and trying to scare ppl, but when you think you see a spirit or have creepy things like that happen in your own home, you believe, you really do!
I had a holiday in Tasmania a about 4-5yrs back when i was about 15. We visited Port Arthur, the old convict settlement and imprisonment area there. Every building was still standing and preserved WELL. There we saw isle of the death, it was a tiny little island you got to by boat and the whole thing was covered in convict graves. My brother (younger than i) swore he saw a dead face in the water. I laughed. We did a ghost tour that night, and JESUS it was creepy. We went through the old prison cells and old assylum and everything. I was holding onto my cousin at the time, i was freaked out, and we fell behind the group in the prison cells area. We were so tired, + scared. We turned around after hearing a faint voice, to see a soldier walking towards us, you know the type with the blue and red uniform and gold buttons down the front and a tall hat, carrying a rifle bannonett type gun. We looked at him, and it clicked to us OMFG what the HELL was that and we turned to eachother and looked again and he was gone. We looked at eachother and RAN LIKE HELL. The next day our photos came through and a picture of the graveyard isle of the dead picture had an orb ball type light behind a grave headstone. I thought typical lol. Needless to say im still curious and yes i believe in them.
Jesus that would be scary.Just going to Tasmania would freak me out.
lol why lol! It just all happened in that place. I dont make stuff up either, i saw a soldier fellow, and bro reckons he saw a face in the water, and there was an orb
i mean JESUS how much did they want to freak us out!!!
well if anything can be said about them its that they have a sense of humor!
i remember when i was 10 we lived in a little country house me and my mum every so often always heard the kettle turning on after we went to bed and wen we went to check the power was off and i was really scared id sleep with my light on lol than 1 nite it was quit and we herd thumping so mum when out the front and the rocking chair was rocking by itself me and my mum were really scared than it was quit for a year or 2 and suddenly we all were watching tv and we saw a reflection so i turned the tv off and it was still their we moved out to my nans the next day or two and havnt been back since i plan on going their 1 day and see if any1 lives their and if so ill ask them if they have had the same experience other from that i hadnt had anymore ghost expereince's hopefully ill wnt have another one lol
My daughter (now 28) seems to be the focal point of our "visitor". A number of times that she has walked into our house, the bottles on the cabinet facing the front door flew off horizontally straight at her! They hit her shin on one occasion, it freaks her out... OBVIOUSLY, something or someohne isn't happy with her!
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