Very Well-Known Member
Ok everybody's here is a question to yus, A lady friend of mine went to the Castle Hill Expo last year wanting to buy a nice Yearling Jungle to add to her collection but there was only 1 seller that had a jungle that really appealed to her, anyway long story short when she handed over the cash the seller asked for her license so she supplied the seller with her details but the seller said that was no good they wanted to sight her license, she like me has had her license for over 10 years and pays every 2 years over the internet and her original receipt (which was sent to her via email and was to serve as her license proof) has long since disappeared but without it the seller would not sell her the jungle. phone calls and emails to NPWS were to no avail(never answered). After all that my question is does this happen very often or was it just an over cautious seller?.