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I personally would never buy a python from a pet shop.
I would have asked for my money back straight away after the first snake was found with mites.
The pet shop could have sprayed it with anything and poisoned it.
I would not be happy with the pet shop.
Hi jess:
could i please have a exact location plz, i don't need your street addres could u tell me if ur in the north of south, east or west??
Are its eyes cloudy? it looks like it in the second pic, could be trying to hide whilst coming up to a shed.
Dont poke it, leave it but keep an eye on it and find out what it was sprayed with.
Also, what size enclosure is it in? It could be too big and its freaking out. Bump up your hot side a little as well.
snake now, i think she is getting worse, i layed her on her back and she just layed there, she is still breathing tho


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Darwin's are a strong snake too.
I'd be calling the pet shop first thing in the morning.
I wouldn't be happy either.
I would be taking it to the vet asap, when u have adiagnosis treat it accordingly,if unfortunately your snake does not survive(what you describe sounds pretty dire) I would be going to the shop you bought it from and showing them the vets diagnosis and demand another healthy snake, I am so sad for you and I really hope things work out well.
when it was on its back did it try to right itself?
Stop stressing it, keep it warm and go to the vet in the morning, then the pet shop with the bill.
If it dies, DONT put it in the freezer, call the pet shop and see if they have a preferred vet for the autopsy to be done. If they refuse or dont name one, then go to a reptile vet and get one done, take the chemicals you were given by the pet shop with you.
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I would be taking it to the vet asap, when u have adiagnosis treat it accordingly,if unfortunately your snake does not survive(what you describe sounds pretty dire) I would be going to the shop you bought it from and showing them the vets diagnosis and demand another healthy snake, I am so sad for you and I really hope things work out well.

I wouldn't be getting another snake from there.
No way...
I can't find u a vet that is open at the moment but i found an emergency line the number is.... 0400 521 753

They are avalible until 12 so hurry!
what did you put it in when you got home? obviously it was initially aware, so did it come in to contact with anything that you are aware of
Im sorry i couldn't help you more, i've been searching everywhere, but i hope they can give u advice, best of luck!
i left it in a plastic tub that the pet shop gave me as i have a 4ft enclosure and the snake is still so small, i am starting to hink it has something to do with wat the ppl in the pet shop sparyed her with b4 i left with her?
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