Lily poisoning??

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I never knew this and as a non cat owner to be honest never took much notice at vets ,I know there are plants that irritate dogs ..but as both my daughters have cats (desexed of course) and they love flowers will let them know ,cause it would crush my girls hearts if their beloved cats got sick or died due to a plant /flower reaction.
We spend heaps of time at the vets and have never seen a sign. Hopefully she'll pull through...
On my travels this morning I stopped in at 3 florists. They all know that lillies are toxic to cats but it isn't their onus to let the customer know. If it was a product they were selling that was toxic or could kill humans it would have to be labelled or the hazard identified.
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all parts of any lily are dangerous to cats

I'm pretty sure it's just the pollen, which obviously can get onto the stem of the lily and areas around the lily.
I'm suprised that so many cat owners are not aware of this. none of my close family have ever owned a cat and i know that to stop recurring cat infestations in my back yard, to plant heaps of lillies. (cat lovers please dont judge me for this, feral cats have been a big issue in many places i have lived over the years and domestic cats legally should not be off your property)
This is one of many reasons why people should require a licence for keeping cats and undergo a course outlining the do's and dont's and the reasons why.

I am terribly sorry to hear about your predicament and hope your cat pulls through. it's always sad when a family member becomes ill.
I was a vet nurse for over two years and have owned cats (or cats have owned me) all my life.... never heard of this! will be very sure to share this information to everyone I know!! its insane that there are no warnings about it! I hope your little girl pulls through.
Very sad, hope the cat's ok etc..

But really.. chocolate is toxic to dogs and there's no specific warning about it. There's a million things that could harm our pets but manufacturers/business owners can't be expected to label everything.

As pet owners I guess it's our own responsibility to research what is toxic to/able to harm our pets.
That's not at all what I meant..

But I don't think the blame should be laid with the florist either.

It's a very unfortunate accident, but at least it's brought the issue to a lot of people's attention that obviously didn't know beforehand.
She's taken a turn for the worst. On my way to vet to say goodbye.
Oh my god... I am so so sorry to hear that. What a terrible situation... I teared up a bit there, and I'm not really a cat person. But in all honesty, I've never heard of the toxicity and I work with cats (have for quite a while now, part-time at a breeding cattery)... I know I check on the safety of anything I can think of before bringing it in and putting it anywhere my animals can get to it - but I never would have guessed a bouquet of flowers could be deadly. Best wishes to you and the missus... :(
Oh no! So sorry to hear the news. I just logged on to check how she was and this is the worst news I could have got.
I am planting lillies all around my garden now :)
Do you know without sounding harsh ..CodeRed ,thats a brilliant idea in that I want to have reptiles out doors and as usual we get neigbours cats(ONE NEIGHBOUR MAINLY) peeing and marking on our property ..and even though you can drop a 1000000 hints to them like GEEZE MY PLACE SMELT LIKE CATS PISSSSSSSSSSSS this morning,or MY CHOOK HOUSE ROOF IS COVERED IN CAT PRINTS!! ...they still dont get the big picture I live in a small town and basically know who owns cats near me and who doesnt ,and the fact I have busted this particular cat time and time again over my house ...the HINT still doesnt sink in !! So maybe by planting LILLIES and telling them "You know Lilly plants can kill cats ...and I have just planted a heap may wanna keep ya cat on your side of the fence now " might just be the answer ;)

sorry to hear about your cat really :(...this post wasnt aimed at you guys, I have no problem with resposible cat owners ever and I like cats ....
They had pumped her full of diuretics and water and she wouldn't urinate. They said the kidneys must be so far gone. Put her to sleep. It's so sad. She was such a good cat and only 1.5 years old. So so sad. :(
Really sorry, mate. I put my gorgeous girl siamese down at 10 with renal failure. You'll be okay. (Buy your missus a siamese kitten next week.)
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