Looking after a baby diamond python.

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Mar 9, 2009
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Hi there lady and gents..

I just have a few questions about the knew baby diamond python ill be picking up in a month...

I have a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft tank, i understand that this will be to big for the little fella at first and the guy at my local reptile shop said to put him inside a smaller plastic reptile container with some paper towl and a bowl of water is this right? is there anything else he will need in this smaller container and how long untill i can put him in the large enclosure..

Also what sort or things will a diamond like in his enclosure do they like to climb alot...
If someone could send me a photo of there diamonds enclosure that would be very helpfull..

also the flooring in the enclosure what types of things can you use for that.. can you use bark or anything that looks like that cos i want the enclosure to look very realistic.

thanks for your time tom
in the click clack you need paper towel as a substrate, stick/branch to climb on, rock to rub against, hide, water bowl. all the same things go in the enclosure when you upgrade. yes you can use bark as the substrate. yes diamonds like to climb. your snake maybe in click clacks for up to a year before moving in to the enclosure. there is much debate about if snakes really need to be kept in a click clack or put straight in to the enclosure. some snakes can suffer from stress is put in to a large enclosure while still a hatchie

with sticking a small branch and a rock in the click clack should these items be bought from the reptile shop or can i grab these things from the garden..
Can use twigs from your garden. Get ones the length of the diagonal - from one corner of container to opposite corner so he can choose to perch at warm or cool end.
id setup the big tank and the click clack, and put the click clack in the middle of the big tank so its in the right temp zone, but cut a hole in the lid of the click clack big enough for the snake to get out of, but still feel secure inside it

that way if it does feel adventurous and feels like having a wander, it can do so without being confined to its smaller tub, and if it gets scared it can always retreat back into the click clack.

this is what i did when moving my bredli from the 2ft tank she has spent the last few months in, into the mansion i have made for her. i just left the lid of the smaller tank open, inside the big tank and she left the smaller tank when she was comfortable.
don't forget a couple of hides as well, old light globe boxes or toilet rolls (unsented) will do the job.
if your going to put the tub inside the larger enclosure do it soon and move it around untill you get the best spot for temps. IMO don't cut any large holes in the click clack untill your ready to release it into its new enclosure, that may be 12mths away.
In the click clack the only hides really needed is the paper towl. Just put a couple of layers on top of each other. This way there is pently of room in the "hides" and still room in the click clack for other things.

As for the moving into the bigger tank, it is very important to get your snake feeding well before trying any change of home. The stress of a new home can stop a snake from eating and that is a mayor turn off if this is your first snake (its not easy getting a stressed snake to eat). So I would reccomend getting it used to (and feeding well in) the small click clack then moving it onto the bigger one as soon as you want. However it would be best if that your snake was feeding well for at least 8-10 feeds. Then again it will all depend on your snake (make sure you get a good feeder).

Oh and the water bowl, make sure it's big enough for the snake to fully submerge it's self in (in case it wants to have a swim). And it awlays helps if it has an edge that the snake can use to help it shed, or you can put in a rock.
In the click clack the only hides really needed is the paper towl. Just put a couple of layers on top of each other. This way there is pently of room in the "hides" and still room in the click clack for other things.

As for the moving into the bigger tank, it is very important to get your snake feeding well before trying any change of home. The stress of a new home can stop a snake from eating and that is a mayor turn off if this is your first snake (its not easy getting a stressed snake to eat). So I would reccomend getting it used to (and feeding well in) the small click clack then moving it onto the bigger one as soon as you want. However it would be best if that your snake was feeding well for at least 8-10 feeds. Then again it will all depend on your snake (make sure you get a good feeder).

Oh and the water bowl, make sure it's big enough for the snake to fully submerge it's self in (in case it wants to have a swim). And it awlays helps if it has an edge that the snake can use to help it shed, or you can put in a rock.
If your getting sticks & twigs from your garden u should bake them to kill any pests/bugs!
Hi there lady and gents..

I just have a few questions about the knew baby diamond python ill be picking up in a month...

I have a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft tank, i understand that this will be to big for the little fella at first and the guy at my local reptile shop said to put him inside a smaller plastic reptile container with some paper towl and a bowl of water is this right? is there anything else he will need in this smaller container and how long untill i can put him in the large enclosure..

Also what sort or things will a diamond like in his enclosure do they like to climb alot...
If someone could send me a photo of there diamonds enclosure that would be very helpfull..

also the flooring in the enclosure what types of things can you use for that.. can you use bark or anything that looks like that cos i want the enclosure to look very realistic.

thanks for your time tom
Just BAKE anything from your garden 2 kill bugs/pests, & yes they love 2 climb & i would probably reccomend a plastic tub to start with just until u know its not scared or stressed, some do fine in big houses but some dont! I have done both & i find little at first best! I have 10 pythons, i hope this has helped!
There are a few pics of my baby diamonds house in my album called INKA.
I have a water bowl, a small terracotta hide(warm end), a toilet roll(cool end) and have 2 perches made of 12mm dowel, draped with fake leaves.

Our baby doesnt do much during the day but does alot of climbing at night. She also likes to curl up in the leaves, i think it makes her feel more secure having something to hide in rether than sitting exposed on her perch.
Heres a picture of my click-clack setup.

Just BAKE anything from your garden 2 kill bugs/pests, & yes they love 2 climb & i would probably reccomend a plastic tub to start with just until u know its not scared or stressed, some do fine in big houses but some dont! I have done both & i find little at first best! I have 10 pythons, i hope this has helped!

yes baking will kill the pests just plz plz PLZ dont bake rocks! rocks have a tendancy to absorb water and if you bake this in the oven it will explode. just poor boiling water over it and leave it to soak for 30 mins. then wait however long it takes for it to dry.

my diamond is in a reasonable sized plastic tub with adequate height and hides. i originally used fake turf as a substrate but as youngins its best to use newspaper (or paper towels)


good luck and congrats on choosing a diamond! they are the best:p
Try 40mm waterpipe for the hide, it doesn't fall apart when wet.
I always put a hide high in the cage as well as on the ground, and lots of branches, I put both my diamonds straight in the enclosure, but made sure of lots of places to hide. a big thick fake plant in a corner works well
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